First find a Twitter list for accounts you want to analyze. For example, the New Yorks Times maintains a list of NYT journalists on their official Twitter account. For this example, the username is nytimes
and the list name is nyt-journalists
Next, in the .env
file, replace the sample variables from .env.example
with the ones you want to use.
To get Twitter keys, visit
The results are saved to an S3 bucket, so that this container can be run anywhere (for example, as a task on ECS). You may need to log in to your AWS account and setup a user and IAM policy that has write access to the S3 bucket.
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=xxx # Grab these from the Twitter developer console
RESULTS_S3_BUCKET=xxx # Name of the S3 bucket where results should be uploaded
RESULTS_S3_BUCKET_PATH=results/ # Add the path in the bucket where the results should go
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx # AWS access keys that have permission to upload to the bucket
Build the container with docker build -t twitter-most-followed-scripts .
or use the container that is already built at tylerpearson/twitter-most-followed-scripts:latest.
Pass the username and list name as args to run the docker container:
docker run -d --env-file=.env \
tylerpearson/twitter-most-followed-scripts:latest \
username listname
A write up of the results found during an analysis of U.S. and Canadian Olympians can be viewed here.
A Jekyll template that can be used to displayed the results is available in the twitter-most-followed-site repo.
Here are some results: shown through Hifi templates.