A Vue.js application to interface with Shopify through the Storefront API.
Edit the following settings in config.js
Then in your terminal, run the following commands
$ npm install
$ npm install
$ npm run serve
Finally, visit http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
$ npm run build
shopifyDomain: "YOUR_SHOPIFY_STORE_NAME.myshopify.com", // required
shopifyToken: "SHOPIFY_STOREFRONT_TOKEN", // required
collectionHandle: "SHOPIFY_COLLECTION_HANDLE", // optional, if not set it i will pull all products
localStorageKey: "FOO_BAR", // used as a key for local storage to remember a user's checkout ID
showUnavailableProducts: false, // if true, it will show products that are sold out
productListColumns: 3, // how many columns of products to show
productListColumnsMobile: 1, // how many columns of products to show on mobile
loadingColor: '#41b883', // color of the loading icon
googleAnalyticsId: 'UA-XXXXXXX-XX', // if unset, Google Analytics tracking will not fire
Since this is a SPA (single page application) there are certain SEO/OpenGraph settings that need to be configured and compiled outside of the Vue.js application so web crawlers such as Facebook & Twitter can obtain the relevant data.
This file is used when rendering index.pug during the pre-build.js script (which is run when serving and building).
The default settings can be overriden by multiple environments as you will see in the file.