
A new way to share ideas, do projects, and make our cities better


# Change by Us # 

"Change by Us aims to invite ideas for civic solutions, intelligently form project groups, and effectively connect groups with resources to bring their ideas to life."

## Installation ##

Please see the INSTALL.txt file.

## Upgrading ##

For upgrade instructions, see the UPGRADE.txt.

## Running ##

To run the application, use the following command from the code root:

    lighttpd -D -f lighttpd.conf
You can also look into using the Upstart script found at scripts/upstart/.
More information on this can be found at [Running as Service in Install Instructions](https://github.com/localprojects/Change-By-Us/wiki/Installation-Instructions-%28Ubuntu%29).

## How to Contribute ##

Instructions coming soon!

## Documentation ##

Main documentation can currently be found on Github at: https://github.com/localprojects/Change-By-Us/wiki

Compiled documentation from inline documentation is available
in the following locations:

    * Python: docs/_build/index.html
    * Javascript: docs/js/index.html

## Credits ##

The following organizations have helped work on this platform:

   * Local Projects
   * Code for America