
Boilerplate for the Echo framework https://github.com/labstack/echo

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

echo-boilerplate Go Report Card

A small boilerplate app using the minimalist echo framework with 12-factor and following golang-standards' project-layout.

Building & Running locally

go build ./cmd/httpd && ./httpd


Usage of ./httpd:
      --app-name string               The name of the application. (default "app")
      --bind-address ip               The IP address to listen at. (default
      --bind-port uint                The port to listen at. (default 1323)
      --cors-allow-credentials        Tells browsers whether to expose the response to frontend JavaScript code when the request's credentials mode (Request.credentials) is 'include'.
      --cors-allow-headers strings    Indicate which HTTP headers can be used during an actual request.
      --cors-allow-methods strings    Indicates which HTTP methods are allowed for cross-origin requests. (default [GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE])
      --cors-allow-origins strings    Indicates whether the response can be shared with requesting code from the given origin. (default [*])
      --cors-enabled                  Enable cross-origin resource sharing.
      --cors-expose-headers strings   Indicates which headers can be exposed as part of the response by listing their name.
      --cors-max-age int              Indicates how long the results of a preflight request can be cached.
      --env-name string               The environment of the application. Used to load the right config file. (default "local")
      --env-var-prefix string         Used to prefix environment variables. (default "app")
      --graceful-timeout uint         Timeout for graceful shutdown. (default 30)
      --log-level string              The granularity of log outputs. Valid log levels: 'panic', 'fatal', 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' and 'trace'. (default "info")
      --log-output string             The output to write to. 'stdout' means log to stdout, 'stderr' means log to stderr. (default "stdout")
      --log-requests-disabled         Disables HTTP requests logging.
      --log-writer string             The log writer. Valid writers are: 'console' and 'json'. (default "json")

Building Docker image

docker build -t app .