A gapless JavaScript/CSS audio player for HTML5
PROBLEM: There are 2 modern API's for playing audio through the web, and both of them have problems:
- HTML5 Audio: the last chunk of audio gets cut off, making gapless transitions impossible
- WebAudio: can't play a file until it's fully loaded
SOLUTION: Use both!
- If WebAudio hasn't fully loaded yet, it begins playback with HTML5 Audio, then seamlessly switches to WebAudio once loaded.
- NOTE: Most mobile browsers don't fully support HTML5 Audio objects in js, so we're stuck with only WebAudio in that case.
Gapless 5 is a registered bower package, so installation is as simple as:
$ bower install gapless5 --save
Gapless 5 demonstration page. It utilizes key mappings for cueing and other transport bar features.
https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~regosen/gapless5 -
Relisten: a listening site for live music sets (currently featuring Phish)
http://relisten.net/gapless -
Listening page for Zen Finger Painting's latest album. It utilizes several callbacks to interact with the rest of the page.
- player can have multiple tracks
- page can have multiple players
- seamless transitions between tracks
- pre-loading of subsequent tracks
- files don't need to be fully loaded to start playback
- no Flash!
- Safari
- tested on OSX and iOS
- Chrome
- not tested on Android yet
- Firefox
- unsupported on IE
- can't seem to programmatically create audio objects
NOTE for Boostrap users: Bootstrap's css will mess up the player's look. If you don't need Bootstrap in its entirety, try using Twitter customize to get just the subset of rules you need.
- HTML head: reference the following
- jQuery (1.0 or greater, must be referenced before Gapless5.js)
- Gapless5.js
- Gapless5.css
- HTML body
- create any element with a particular id
- JavaScript
- create a Gapless5 object, passing the above id as a parameter
- add tracks using addTrack() or via options (see below)
- optional stuff:
- manipulate tracklist with insertTrack(), replaceTrack(), removeTrack(), and removeAllTracks() (see example)
- register callbacks (see below)
- link keys to actions using mapKeys() or via options (see below)
<link href="gapless5.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="gapless5.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="gapless5-block" />
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var player = new Gapless5("gapless5-block");
// extra stuff to manipulate tracklist, indexes start at 0!
player.replaceTrack(0, "audio/song1_alt.mp3");
player.insertTrack(1, "audio/transition.mp3");
player.removeTrack(2); // removes third track
player.removeAllTracks(); // clear all tracks
player.mapKeys({cue: "7", stop: "8", next: "9"});
- tracks
- path to audio file(s)
- can be an array, or a single track as a string
- loop (loops playlist)
- default = false
- playOnLoad (plays immediately when you open the page)
- default = false
- useHTML5Audio
- default = false on mobile browsers, true otherwise
- useWebAudio
- default = true
- if you don't care about gapless playback, set useWebAudio to false for better performance
- mapKeys
- pressing specified key (case-insensitive) will trigger specified action.
- Actions that behave like the buttons:
- prev: matches behavior of "prev" button (scrubs to start if you've progressed into a track)
- playpause: matches behavior of "play/pause" button
- stop: matches behavior of "stop" button
- next: matches behavior of "next" button
- Actions that differ from the buttons:
- prevtrack: unlike "prev" button, this will always jump to the previous track
- cue: play from start
- play: non-togglable "play"
- pause: non-togglable "pause"
var player = new Gapless5("gapless5-block", {
tracks: ["loop1.mp3", "loop2.mp3"],
loop: true,
playOnLoad: true,
mapKeys: {prev: "a", playpause: "s", stop: "d", next: "f"}
- onprev
- onplay
- onpause
- onstop
- onnext
- onerror
- onfinishedtrack
- onfinishedall
function prevCallback() {
console.log("user clicked 'prev'");
player = new Gapless5('gapless5-block', {tracks: ["track1.mp3", "track2.mp3"]});
player.onprev = prevCallback;
player.onnext = function () { console.log("user clicked 'next'"); };
Licensed under the MIT License.