This is a sample Blazor application inspired by Geneu - Form Designer. You can a build a form by drag and drop widgets and change their properties.
The sample has both Blazor Server and WebAssembly solutions and both of them are sharing same code library.
You can checkout live demo!
Don't know what Blazor is? You can learn it from the official documents.
- Install the latest .Net Core SDK for Blazor release which you can read about here: Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 now available.
- Install the latest Visual Studio or Visual Code with the ASP.NET Core and web development workload selected.
This is a great sample which has a lot of Blazor + ASP.NET Core integrations such as:
- Code Sharing
- Drag and Drop
- Loading Screen
- Recursive Components
- Data integration/sync
- JavaScript interop
- Blazor Components
- Test with bUnit library
- Progressive Web App (PWA)
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.