FFCL-API FFCL-API is a Ruby on Rails and GraphQL-based API for managing book clubs and books. It allows creating, reading, updating, and deleting book clubs and books, as well as adding and removing members and reviews from book clubs and reading sessions.
Installation 💾
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/tymate/ffcl-api.git
- Navigate to the directory:
cd ffcl-api
- Install dependencies:
bundle install
Usage - Start the server:
rails server
- Access the API using the following URL:
FFCL-API provides the following features:
- Creating, reading, updating, and deleting book clubs
- Adding and removing members from book clubs
- Recording book reviews
Technologies Used FFCL-API is built using the following technologies:
- Ruby 3.1.2
- Ruby on Rails
- GraphQL
- RSpec
Contributions to FFCL-API are welcome!