
Generates Markdown from VS XML documentation file - forked from https://gist.github.com/lontivero/593fc51f1208555112e0/forks

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Usage: PxtlCa.XmlCommentMarkDownGenerator -i InputFileName.xml -o OutputFileName.md

-i, --inputfile Input xml file to read.

--cin Read input from console instead of file.

-o, --outputfile Output md file to write.

--cout Write output to console instead of file.

--help Display this help screen.

Execute PxtlCa.XmlCommentMarkDownGenerator.exe -help for usage if the above is out-of-date.

Generates Markdown from VS XML documentation file. Forked from https://gist.github.com/lontivero/593fc51f1208555112e0

Can be used as a stand-alone Markdown command-line tool, but is also available as a NuGet package.


When used as a nuget package, it will add a target to your project to automatically convert generated xml into markdown file stored in Docs at the solution level (peer to the project folder).

TODO: error handling if the XML file does not exist. Right now you must have XML document generation enabled for your project in both debug and release or this will error out as it can't find the file.

There is currently a bug that the --help is spat out twice, once with missing descriptions. WIP.