Tyom Semonov’s CV

The repo contains the data of the CV in YAML format with Markdown flavours. The data is used to generate a static website, along with the print-friendly PDF version of the CV.

The project is built with Svelte and Svelte Kit. It uses Playwright to generate PDF from site and deploys to GH Pages with gh-pages package.

The site is automatically built and deployed with GitHub workflow on commit to master branch.

GH Workflow Status


How it works

The data is stored in separate YAML files in data directory. This data is transformed to JSON on the server and is loaded with Svelte Kit. The UI is composed of various components which take this data and break it up into individual reusable pieces. Some of these can be seen in Storybook stories.

The result is built and uploaded to GitHub Pages.

During the build stage the PDF file is generated using Playwright. This PDF is built from the print preview version of the site and is located in static directory, available for download.


To start development server run:

pnpm dev

To generate static site run:

pnpm build

To create PDF run:

pnpm create-pdf

To serve the static build run:

pnpm start

To start Storybook run:

pnpm storybook


The deployment consists of the CV app and Storybook stories under stories/ directory bundled as a static site.

To prepare the distribution (build and collate the files) run:

pnpm predeploy

The static site is deployed to GH Pages. To deploy manually (this also runs predeploy script) run:

pnpm deploy

Environment variables

Variable Description
GIT_USER_EMAIL Git user email for pushing to GH pages
GIT_USER_NAME Git user name for pushing to GH pages
PUBLIC_GA_MEASUREMENT_ID Google Analytics measuremet ID