Sentiment Analysis of Reddit Data using Reddit API

In this live coding session, we leverage the Python Reddit API Wrapper (PRAW) to retrieve data from subreddits on Reddit, and perform sentiment analysis using pipelines from HuggingFace ( 🤗 the GitHub of Machine Learning ), powered by transformer.

☑️ Objectives

At the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Know how to work with APIs
  • Feel more comfortable navigating thru documentation, even inspecting the source code
  • Understand what a pipeline object is in HuggingFace
  • perform sentiment analysis using pipeline
  • Run a python script in command line and get the results
  • Examine the quality of data
  • Understand data lineage

🛠️ Pre-Assignment

Creating a Week 3 Repository

Let's get started by creating a Week 3 Repository!

Creating your Week 3 Repository
  1. The first thing to do is create a new empty public repository!


  1. Be sure to fill out your repository name, description, and ensure it's public! NOTE: DO NOT ADD A README OR LICENSE


  1. Now that you've done the required set-up on, let's move to our terminal and clone the MLE-8 repository!

    git clone
  2. OPTIONAL: If you've already cloned the MLE-8 repository - feel free to pull the recent changes by cding into the directory that contains the MLE-8 repo, and running this command. Be sure to return to the parent directory before moving on! (cd ..)

     git pull origin main
  3. Now, we're going to copy the contents of the assignment to a new folder using the following command

    cp -r MLE-8/assignments/week-3-analyze-sentiment-reddit .
  4. Once that is complete, we'll cd into the newly created folder with

    cd week-3-analyze-sentiment-reddit
  5. Now, let's init our repository in this folder using

    git init
  6. We'll add the contents of the folder using

    git add .
  7. Let's create an initial commit!

    git commit -m "Initial Commit"
  8. Now we can add our created repository as a remote using the following command. Don't forget, you can get the SSH address from your repository by clicking the green Code button on!

  9. Now we'll set our branch to main

    git branch -M main
  10. Last, but not least, let's push the contents of our commit to our repo!

    git push -u main main
  11. That's it, that's all!

Setting up your environment 🐍🖥️

Create a new Conda environment for sentiment anaylsis (sa). If you already have this environment, continue to the next step.

  conda create -n sa python=3.8 jupyter -y

Activate your new environment

  conda activate sa

Open the jupyter-notebook


Navigate through the repo in the notebook to find imports.ipynb for this week and open it.

Run all of the cells in the notebook.


Please review the weekly narrative here