
POC for MVT tile generation, based on Github workflow, tilemaker and osmctools. Updates hourly.

Primary LanguageLua


This project uses Github workflow to generate MVT (Mapbox Vector Tile), and serves them as static resource on Github Pages.

See the rendered tiles on https://typebrook.github.io/mapstew, tile schema is based on OpenMapTiles with some custom changes.

Quick Start

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Enable Gitub Action in repo settings page: https://github.com/<user>/<repo>/settings/actions
  3. Also enable Github Pages in repo settings page, pick gh-pages branch as source.
  4. That's it!

How it works?

  1. Use Github workflow to fetch latest osm.pbf daily (Taiwan by default), and update it as Github release asset called taiwan-daily.osm.obf.

  2. Use Github workflow to update taiwan-daily.osm.pbf release asset in step 1 (with osmctools). And also upload it as release asset called taiwan-latest.osm.pbf

  3. Use Github workflow to generate tiles hourly (with taiwan-latest.osm.pbf from step 2), and commit them into gh-pages bran

With steps above, the static tile resource http://typebrook.github.io/mapstew/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf are always updated with OSM with minimal delay.



  1. The runner of Github workflow has limited computing power, so generate tiles worldwide houly is impossible. But for area of Taiwan, it could be done in 10 minutes.