

Primary LanguagePerl

# Smokeping 2.8.2 Docker Container

Github Repo: https://github.com/babyfenei/docker-smokeping
Gitee Repo: https://gitee.com/fenei/docker-smokeping
Dockerhub Repo: https://hub.docker.com/r/babyfenei/smokeping/

README | 中文文档


  1. Made with the latest version 2.8.2 of smokeping.

  2. Modify the rrdtool to support the Chinese language.

  3. Support to modify the rrdtool side watermark.

  4. Support the operation and maintenance personnel by email when the smokeping network monitors the fault.

  5. Ready to increase web page login verification function.

  6. Prepare to increase the smokeping preparation mode.

  7. Ready to increase the automatic saving of smokeping data.

Using this image

Running the container

This docker container supports modifying the rrdtool watermark. If you need to modify, please modify the variable RRDTOOL for what you want, be careful not to use #

Exposed Ports

The following ports are important and used by Cacti

Port Notes
80 HTTP GUI Port

It is recommended to allow at least one of the above ports for access to the monitoring system.

Smokeping Deployment

Now when we have our database running we can deploy Smokeping image with appropriate environmental variables set.


docker run \
-d \
--name smokeping \
-p 80:80 \
--env="TZ=Asia/Shanghai" \
--env="RRDTOOL_LOGO=Smokeping2.7.2/rrdtool1.4.9-BY:Fenei" \
--env="MAIL_TO=alert@mail.com" \
--env="MAIL_FROM=alert_from@qq.com" \
--env="MAIL_FROM_PASSWORD=somepassword" \
--env="MAIL_FROM_SERVER=smtp.qq.com:587" \
--env="HTTP_USER=admin" \
--env="HTTP_PASSWORD=admin@123" \
-v '/data/smokeping':'/smokeping':'rw' \

Environmental Variable smokeping

You can modify the contents of the variable as needed. If there is no modification, set it according to the default value.

Variable Default Description
TZ Asia/Shanghai Smokeping server time zone, viewable in /usr/share/zoneinfo
RRDTOOL_LOGO Docker-Smokeping2.8.2/Rrdtool1.4.9-BY:Fenei Rrdtool logo, you can modify the watermark on the right side of Smokeping graphics, be careful not to enter #
MAIL_TO alert@mail.com Fault alarm notification mailbox
MAIL_FROM alert_from@qq.com Alarm source email address
MAIL_FROM_PASSWORD somepassword Alarm source email password
MAIL_FROM_SERVER smtp.qq.com:587 Alarm sending source mailbox SMTP address
HTTP_USER admin Apache web login username
HTTP_PASSWORD admin@123 Apache web login password

Access Smokeping web interface

At present, smoke login has not been added to webpage login verification. This feature will be added later.

Alarm mail settings

Because sendmail and postfix can no longer send mail based on the local server under docker, so use the zmail library under python3 here. If you want to use the mail alert feature. Please follow the steps below:

  1. First fill in the accurate email information (including username and password, SMTP server and alarm receiving address) when building docker. Specific zmail usage can refer to
zmail: https://github.com/ZYunH/zmail
  1. Modify the /smokeping/etc/targets file. Add the following command to the host or host group that needs to be alerted. alerts = hostdown,hightloss,lossdetect,someloss,rttdetect