
Programming language agnostic type construction language based on polynomials.

Primary LanguageIdrisGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Build Status


Typedefs is a programming language-agnostic, algebraic data type definition language, written in Idris.

See http://typedefs.com, or play around with examples at Try Typedefs!

Build and run

Nix package descriptions, an Elba manifest and a Makefile are provided.

Nix packages

If you want to build everything, do:


If you only want to build a specific package:

nix-build -A typedefs.nix


Build everything:

make build-lib
sudo make install-lib
make build-rest

Build a specific package:

make build pkg=typedefs

Build documentation:

make doc-all

Run tests:

make test-all


sudo make install-all

Clean up:

make clean-all


There is a complete tutorial on how to compile and install typedefs using the elba package manager here.

In most cases it should be just as easy as:

elba install