
Transform runtypes type to jsverify arbitrary for generate sample of data

Primary LanguageTypeScript


standard-readme compliant npm version

Runtypes-generate convert runtypes type to jsverify arbitrary.

Table of Contents


Property-based testing is very awesome approach for analyze and verification program. But this approach requires the writing of generators for all datatypes in our program. This process is very time-consuming, error-prone and not DRY.


import { Number, Literal, Array, Tuple, Record } from 'runtypes'
const AsteroidType = Record({
    type: Literal('asteroid'),
    location: Tuple(Number, Number, Number),
    mass: Number,

const AsteroidArbitrary = jsc.record({
    type: jsc.constant('asteroid'),
    location: jsc.tuple(jsc.number, jsc.number, jsc.number),
    mass: jsc.number

But with runtypes-generate we can get AsteroidArbitrary from AsteroidType:

import { makeJsverifyArbitrary } from 'runtypes-generate'
const AsteroidType = Record({
    type: Literal('asteroid'),
    location: Tuple(Number, Number, Number),
    mass: Number,
const AsteroidArbitrary = makeJsverifyArbitrary(AsteroidType)


npm install --save runtypes-generate



  • makeJsverifyArbitrary(type: Reflect): jsc.Arbitrary<any> - convert runtypes to jsverify arbitrary
  • addTypeToRegistry(tag: string, (x:Reflect) => jsc.Arbitrary<any>): void - add new generator for Constraint type with tag in args attribute
  • addTypeToIntersectRegistry(tags: string[], generator: (x: Reflect) => jsc.Arbitrary<any>): void) - add new generator for Intersect or custom Constraint types. TODO example
  • generateAndCheck(rt: Reflect, opts?: jsc.Options): () => void - run jsc.assert for property rt.check(generatedData) for all generatedData obtained from makeJsverifyArbitrary(rt). Uses for verification custom generators for custom Constraint type. See example in tests.


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