An Angular JS service to manage collections of objects with a primary key constraint.
Import the collection module as a dependency of your module.
angular.module('my_app', ['collection'])
Create a store leveraging the Collection class
angular.module('my_app').service 'dataStore',
) ->
collection: new Collection({primary_key: 'id'})
Use the store in your controllers
angular.module('my_app').controller 'DataController',
) ->
# filter by primary key
selected_ids = [12, 1, 44]
selected_objects = dataStore.collection.where(selected_ids)
# filter by attribute
engineers = dataStore.collection.where(title: 'engineer')
# delete by primary key
# delete by attribute
dataStore.collection.remove(title: 'engineer')
# Retrieve a copy of the collection
model_copy = dataStore.collection.models
model_copy == dataStore.collection.models # false
_.isEqual(model_copy, dataStore.collection.models) # true
# Add will overwrite any existing record matching the added
# object primary key
dataStore.collection.add [
{id: 123, title: 'engineer'}
{id: 124, title: 'architect'}
Those methods are simple proxy to lodash and aren't documented here. You may find their documentation on lodash's website
Those proxy methods conveniently receive the collection's content as an argument:
# >>> 'john', 'steve', 'anna'
_.pluck(dataStore.collection.models, 'first_name')
# >>> 'john', 'steve', 'anna'
# same but a bit less efficient because .models returns a clone of the collection
Proxy methods are:
lodash docreject(fn)
lodash docgroupBy(arg)
lodash doclast()
lodash docfirst()
lodash docpluck(arg)
lodash doc