
A collection management service leveraging lodash for AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An Angular JS service to manage collections of objects with a primary key constraint.


Import the collection module as a dependency of your module.

angular.module('my_app', ['collection'])

Create a store leveraging the Collection class

angular.module('my_app').service 'dataStore',
  ) ->

    collection: new Collection({primary_key: 'id'})

Use the store in your controllers

angular.module('my_app').controller 'DataController',
  ) ->

    # filter by primary key
    selected_ids = [12, 1, 44]
    selected_objects = dataStore.collection.where(selected_ids)

    # filter by attribute
    engineers = dataStore.collection.where(title: 'engineer')

    # delete by primary key

    # delete by attribute
    dataStore.collection.remove(title: 'engineer')

    # Retrieve a copy of the collection
    model_copy = dataStore.collection.models

    model_copy == dataStore.collection.models           # false
    _.isEqual(model_copy, dataStore.collection.models)  # true

    # Add will overwrite any existing record matching the added
    # object primary key
    dataStore.collection.add [
      {id: 123, title: 'engineer'}
      {id: 124, title: 'architect'}

Proxy methods

Those methods are simple proxy to lodash and aren't documented here. You may find their documentation on lodash's website

Those proxy methods conveniently receive the collection's content as an argument:

# >>> 'john', 'steve', 'anna'

_.pluck(dataStore.collection.models, 'first_name')
# >>> 'john', 'steve', 'anna'
# same but a bit less efficient because .models returns a clone of the collection

Proxy methods are: