
Repository for the Tandem NeoVim Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Tandem is an add-on for your favorite text editor that enables peer-to-peer collaborative editing across different editors.

This repository contains code for the Neovim plugin. For more details on Tandem, visit our website, or our mono-repository containing all other source code.


To install, you will need to have a copy of the Neovim Python2 client.

pip install neovim

You must also have python3 and node.js installed for the networking code to work.

Neovim users have the option of installing in one of the following ways:

  • [Recommended] Using your favourite plugin manager (e.g. Vundle, vim-plug, etc.) Tandem should be compatible with most popular plugin managers
  • Installing Tandem directly. You’ll need download this repository to ~/.config/nvim/rplugin/python.

Whether you use a plugin manager or download directly, you will also need to complete an additional one-time step.
Tandem uses Neovim remote plugin functionality for thread-safety, so you will need to:

  • launch nvim
  • run :UpdateRemotePlugins
  • quit nvim

You are now ready to use Tandem!


Tandem users can choose either start a collaborative session or join an existing one. Starting a collaborative session will share the contents of your current buffer. Joining an existing session will open it’s contents in a new buffer.

Please use one of the following commands:

  • :Tandem - creates a new tandem session and prints the session ID
  • :Tandem <session_id> - joins an existing tandem session with the specified session ID
  • :TandemStop - leaves the current session
  • :TandemSession - prints the current session ID

It is recommended to leave the session before exiting neovim, but that process should be automated.

Terms of Service

By using Tandem, you agree that any modified versions of Tandem will not use the rendezvous server hosted by the owners. You must host and use your own copy of the rendezvous server. We want to provide a good user experience for Tandem, and it would be difficult to do that with modified clients as well.

You can launch the rendezvous server by running python3 ./rendezvous/main.py. Change the address of the rendezvous server used by the agent in the configuration file to point to your server's host. This file is located at: rplugin/python/tandem_lib/agent/tandem/agent/configuration.py


Copyright (c) 2018 Team Lightly


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:



Team Lightly
Geoffrey Yu, Jamiboy Mohammad and Sameer Chitley

We are a team of senior Software Engineering students at the University of Waterloo.
Tandem was created as our Engineering Capstone Design Project.