- 1
Theme documentation needs attention
#576 opened by noelwelsh - 0
- 1
`@:fragment`s for `PDF` output seem to be discarded
#595 opened by nalkuatov - 6
Add support for diff syntax highlighting
#565 opened by danicheg - 0
- 0
- 2
Laika Preview: No cache headers
#579 opened by davesmith00000 - 0
Loading custom JS and CSS in non-Helium themes
#574 opened by noelwelsh - 1
Incorrect ScalaDoc for InputTreeBuilder
#575 opened by noelwelsh - 4
- 3
support mermaid diagram blocks
#331 opened by erikerlandson - 1
- 3
- 2
- 13
- 1
Add support for HTML site search
#493 opened by armanbilge - 0
Shrink Public API Surface for 1.0 (Umbrella Ticket)
#452 opened by jenshalm - 6
adding support for task lists in GitHubFlavor
#461 opened by jirijakes - 1
Setting up CI releases for version 1.0
#430 opened by jenshalm - 0
- 3
reStructuredText: image references do not honour configuration for link validation
#398 opened by jenshalm - 1
Styling PDF output
#337 opened by chuwy - 5
Dark Mode Toggle
#382 opened by j-mie6 - 9
- 8
Make Table of Content always visible
#338 opened by valencik - 1
Discrepancy in demo apps
#397 opened by FatConan - 4
Slow Parsing of Long Markdown-HTML Tables With Asterisks
#341 opened by valencik - 1
Code samples in manual lack imports
#274 opened by valencik - 8
Develop a Laika CLI for Node.js and Native
#360 opened by armanbilge - 0
Controlling output formatting
#372 opened by noelwelsh - 3
Can the API doc icon be an "icofont"?
#336 opened by armanbilge - 6
- 1
- 0
Expand Helium Configuration Options
#317 opened by jenshalm - 3
- 2
- 2
- 4
Add `@@snip`-like directive
#305 opened by armanbilge - 1
Headers created in custom directives disappear
#289 opened by japgolly - 1
(strange) breadcrumb behavior
#296 opened by i10416 - 3
Migration steps for using fs2 in laika-io module
#281 opened by jenshalm - 12
- 6
Laika complains about unresolved link id references, for JSON in code fence...
#288 opened by Quafadas - 4
Feature request for io module: last modified date
#256 opened by i10416 - 0
Auto-populate `dateModified` metadata from file info
#278 opened by jenshalm - 3
Add `laikaStartPreview` task
#259 opened by armanbilge - 3
- 0
Dotty highlighting for Scala sources?
#267 opened by armanbilge - 6
- 1