- 4
Sporadic test errors since upgrading to Native 0.5
#4647 opened by armanbilge - 3
Any reason `intercalate` isn't exposed directly on the `Semigroup` companion object?
#4615 opened by igstan - 3
alleycats - `Extract[F[_]]` the only way to get the syntax is the deprecated one
#4642 opened by arturaz - 1
sponsors.js should probably be deduplicated
#4663 opened by jducoeur - 1
- 1
algebra.ring.Semiring conflicts with Wikipedia Semiring definition in that it lacks a `one` element
#4664 opened by benhutchison - 5
`traverse` behavior with v2.11.0
#4661 opened by ken1ma - 0
tailRec instances aren't visible by default
#4652 opened by kubukoz - 0
Make Later covariant in its type parameter
#4631 opened by yanns - 0
- 1
- 8
Cats Order needs an `orElseBy` combinator
#4621 opened by benhutchison - 0
- 0
- 5
(very breaking) change in Future instances?
#4617 opened by yurique - 7
[PROPOSAL] Aliases for methods `traverse_` and `sequence_`
#4611 opened by satorg - 3
Support Scala Native 0.5
#4587 opened by mpilquist - 0
- 4
`Eval` thread safety
#4598 opened by durban - 0
Adding an alternative version of the method whenA with a different signature
#4589 opened by a-khakimov - 7
Instances for Currency
#4562 opened by massimosiani - 1
ambiguous implicit resolution of `Show.ContravariantShow[immutable.SortedMap[K, V]]`
#4574 opened by chwthewke - 11
Should Monad extend Defer?
#4579 opened by rossabaker - 5
EitherT[Option, ?, ?]] can't be used as a bifunctor
#4569 opened by strokyl - 1
- 4
trait EuclidianRing should not be a Ring
#4570 opened by benhutchison - 4
IndexedStateT has superfluous parts
#4537 opened by ekmett - 3
`Tuple1SemigroupalOps` methods have different names from other `TupleNSemigroupalOps` classes
#4555 opened by m50d - 0
Inconsistent behaviour when using Eval as Applicative
#4552 opened by nzpr - 0
Difference in the Applicative inferred for Seq[Seq[?]]#sequence between Scala 2 and 3
#4545 opened by s5bug - 0
#4543 opened by Slakah - 2
- 1
#4531 opened by Tar062783 - 3
Defer could use some additional instances
#4413 opened by morgen-peschke - 4
Unusual EqLaws definition
#4514 opened by hiroshi-cl - 1
Outdated Link in Docs - Seeking Guidance for Fix
#4521 opened by mainali123 - 0
Scala 3: No given instance of type cats.Applicative[[_] =>> Any] was found for parameter F of method apply in class PurePartiallyApplied
#4499 opened by froth - 2
`Apply` syntax is allocating
#4475 opened by armanbilge - 5
- 0
Fix documentation (or design) of Free Monad
#4488 opened by samthebest - 2
Maybe you are looking for `as`? :)
#4484 opened by 5alexis-lgtm - 1
add `sizeIs` method like std-lib to `cats.Reducible` and/or NonEmpty collections
#4481 opened by xuwei-k - 6
Please remove/deprecate Foldable for Tuples
#4430 opened by alexandru - 6
unorderedTraverse throws a Stackoverflow Error
#4461 opened by g-jozsef - 1
- 8
Add docs url for all functions in Glossary page
#4444 opened by lenguyenthanh - 7
Seq instance `.foldRight` has performance implications
#4439 opened by rudolmi - 0
- 5
- 4
Retire the "Typelevel Ecosystem" page
#4407 opened by armanbilge