"An outlaw can be defined as somebody who lives outside the law, beyond the law and not necessarily against it." ― Hunter S. Thompson
scalaz-outlaws aims to be a repository to collect Typeclasses, Typeclass instances and other curios which are not welcome in scalaz-core because they are either lawless, or don't strictly adhere to all the laws of a given typeclass.
Add the following to your SBT build:
resolvers += "Scalaz Bintray Repo" at "http://dl.bintray.com/stew/snapshots"
And add the library dependency:
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "scalaz-outlaws" % "0.2"
Set isn't considered to be a functor. You should be able to easily find some flamewars about this
in order to import the Set instances from scalaz-outlaws:
import scalaz.outlaws.std.set._
Try isn't a valid functor. read about it here
What should you consider using instead? Instead of:
Try {
might throw
\/.fromTryCatchThrowable {
might throw
or perhaps:
Task.delay {
might throw
in order to import the Try instances from scalaz-outlaws:
import scalaz.outlaws.std.utilTry._
This is a typeclass with a single function "each" which is like "foreach" found on many scala standard library collection classes. There are no meaningful laws for Each. It is only used for side-effects, which are considered harmful.
What should you use instead of side-effecting?
instead of:
val sideEffectingComputation = xxx.traverse_(x => Task.delay(sideeffect(x))
followed eventually by:
val didItWork: Throwable \/ Unit = sideEffectingComputation.attemptRun
scalaz doesn't have a monoid instance for Double/Float since you cannot count on + operations on Double/Float to be associative.
import scalaz.outlaws.std.double._
import scalaz.outlaws.std.float._
import scalaz.syntax.monoid._
val x: Double = 1D |+| 2D
val y: Float = 1F |+| 2F