
Doesn't compile with Xcode 10.2

Closed this issue · 1 comments


SwiftCheck v0.11.0 228bc5e44f09dcea617013f9c022efdbcc61c9d9


macOS 10.14.4, Xcode 10.2, CocoaPods 1.7.0.beta.2, Carthage 0.32.0


The latest release version does not compile with Xcode 10.2 because its Swift version is still Swift 3

Steps To Reproduce

Either checkout this module at the latest release commit or use it as a dependency via Carthage or CocoaPods in another project and attempt to compile this module with Xcode 10.2

Expected Result

The module compiles and functions properly

Actual Result

The module fails to compile

Additional information

It looks like the master branch has already been updated with the code-level support needed to make this module work with Xcode 10.2. However, the current commit in master needs to be tagged as a release and then pushed to CocoaPods

The latest release now targets Swift 5 and Xcode 10.2