- 6
Using SwiftCheck with Sourcery
#226 opened by cnicolai - 1
Unable to run Playground
#304 opened by teameh - 0
(U)Int `arbitrary` implementation provides limited values with `.proliferate(withSize:)`
#307 opened by nesevis - 0
#303 opened by RethinkPlasticOrg - 0
Xcode 12 or swift 5.3 incompatibility
#302 opened by rkhandelwal17 - 0
Integer partition generator
#301 opened by ferranpujolcamins - 0
Asynchronous Testing
#300 opened by Genhain - 0
Code from README doesn't compile
#299 opened by xavierLowmiller - 1
Xcode canvas for SwiftUI always fail
#296 opened by Zeta611 - 5
- 2
StdGen.genRange seems to have wrong value
#292 opened by grigorye - 14
- 2
String generator breaks if test not always true
#289 opened by starbase527 - 1
Doesn't compile with Xcode 10.2
#287 opened by raysarebest - 5
How exactly to rerun failed examples?
#281 opened by Fryie - 8
- 9
- 1
- 7
no Gen.let or heterogeneous sequence/tuple?
#276 opened by johanatan - 2
Generator is not used during shrinking.
#273 opened by niilohlin - 1
Add tag `property-based-testing`
#269 opened by felix91gr - 1
Preferred idiom for testing exception-throwing code
#271 opened by jgongo - 1
Publish 0.10.0 to CocoaPods?
#265 opened by gstro - 3
- 3
Release version 0.9.1 (as 0.9.2) to CocoaPods
#258 opened by akashivskyy - 5
Serialize Counterexamples (a la Hypothesis)?
#248 opened by CodaFi - 3
`Gen<_>.fromElements(of:)` does not accept sets
#238 opened by dented42 - 9
Simplify The Build
#243 opened by CodaFi - 6
[Swift 4.1?] Add Arbitrary instances for EVERYTHING
#166 opened by CodaFi - 2
[Swift 4.0] Argument labels '(extendingOrTruncating:)' do not match any available overloads
#235 opened by acrookston - 3
Swift 4 support
#219 opened by icanswiftabit - 2
- 2
Custom Generators and Modifier types.
#223 opened by cnicolai - 2
How to ensure that Gen<String> will have at least one element from other Generators?
#211 opened by icanswiftabit - 4
Version 0.7.1 mismatch with
#209 opened by icanswiftabit - 2
Double to Int conversion fails with error
#205 opened by moogle19 - 0
Test the output of commands
#192 opened by CodaFi - 6
EXC_BAD_ACCESS while generating custom Arbitrary from mapped ArrowOf.arbitrary
#203 opened by broomburgo - 6
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
#202 opened by truizlop - 1
- 2
Can't build with SPM
#195 opened by adamkuipers - 0
Remove default RawRepresentable generator
#193 opened by bgerstle - 4
State Machine Testing
#149 opened by jeffh - 4
- 5
Consolidate Swift 2.3 & Swift 3.0 support
#167 opened by bgerstle - 2
- 1
Shrinking does not properly work when using choose with a range not containing 0
#171 opened by jgongo - 0
Xcode 8 beta 6 support
#173 opened by lilyball - 6
- 4
Carthage can’t build SwiftCheck-iOS scheme
#146 opened by samritchie