
AI Programing Competition Game Server

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Vi rekommenderar starkt att ni använder någon Linux-distribution, eller en virtuell maskin med Linux, då testande har visat sig fungera bäst där. macOS bör också fungera. Windows är däremot ej fungerande i nuläget (fungerar eventuellt med Windows 10 Professional, men ej testat).

Hittills testade konfigurationer för utveckling

Bättre fungerande konfigurationer:

  • Ubuntu 18: Fungerande (Docker, Python, Java)
  • Ubuntu 18 i en virtuell maskin på Windows 10 Professional: Fungerande (Docker, Python, Java)
  • macOS Mojave 10.14.3: Fungerande (Docker, Python, Java)

Sämre/ej fungerande konfigurationer:

  • ❌ Windows 10 med Docker Toolbox: Ännu ej fått fungerande.
  • ❌ Windows Subsystem for Linux: Docker kan ej köras i WSL. Python-orm fungerar.

En del dokumentation finns även längre ner i denna README (i den del från originalrepot).

"Starter snakes", kodskelett till ormar

Dessa bör sköta det mesta av "boilerplate"-arbetet åt er, t.ex. gällande respons för /start och /end requests, och ger oftast någon sorts startpunkt för respons till /move requests (som får ormen att förflytta sig).

Instruktioner för hur ni installerar och startar ormarna finns på respektive sida.

Köra battlesnake-server i Docker container

Spelservern ("arenan") kan köras genom Docker, vilket gör det smidigt att testa era ormar.

Installera Docker (Ubuntu)

Senaste versionen av Docker Community Edition finns här.

En äldre (men fungerande) version finns också i repot:

sudo apt install docker.io

Installera Docker (macOS)

Docker Desktop finns att ladda ned här.

Hämta och kör docker-container med server

Testa om Docker installerats korrekt genom att skriva docker --version i terminalen.

För att sedan hämta Docker-containern med servern på, kör:

sudo docker pull sendwithus/battlesnake-server
sudo docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 sendwithus/battlesnake-server

Servern kan sedan nås via http://localhost:3000.

Notera att om ni vill testa er orm som ni kör lokalt, kan ni ej referera till den genom localhost i UI:et (pga. Docker). Dvs. kommer http://localhost:<port> ej att fungera; istället måste ni referera till datorns IP-adress, något i stil med<port>, där <port> syftar på den port som er orm lyssnar på (t.ex. 8080).

IP-adressen kan ni få genom att t.ex. köra ip addr eller ifconfig. För min dator, på Monadens nätverk, ger t.ex ip addr | grep 192 följande utskrift:

inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlp2s0

Här är adressen, och om porten som ormen lyssnar på är 8080 så skriver vi följande i spelserverns URL-fält för ormar:

UI Snake entry

Om ni vill köra flera ormar samtidigt (för testning), glöm inte att ge dem olika portar att lyssna på!

Skapa konto och GitHub-anslutning på Heroku

Börja med att skapa ett konto på heroku.com.

Välj "Create new app":

Create new app

Skriv in ett namn och välj region:

App name

Under "Deployment method", välj "GitHub" och sedan "Connect to GitHub", godkänn auktorisering:

Connect to GitHub account

Authorize Heroku

När kontot är anslutet till GitHub kan ni ansluta appen till ert repo för er orm-AI:

Connect to GitHub repository

Till slut kan ni låta Heroku bygga er app under "Manual deploy", och sedan klicka på "Open app" i övre högra hörnet för att få URL:en till er orm. Det är från dessa URL:er som vi kommer att hämta ormarna för att tävla mot varandra:

Open app

Heroku app URL

Nedanstående kommer från officiella repot:

Game Rules

Avoid Walls

If a snake leaves the last tile of the board, they will die.

Snake leaving the last board tile hitting a wall

Eat Food

Eating a food pellet will make snakes one segment longer. Snakes grow out of their tail: new tail segment will appear in the same square that the tail was in the previous turn.

Eating a food pellet will restore snakes' health-points to 100.

The amount of food can vary from game to game, but within the same game it will always stay the same. As soon as a piece of food is eaten, it will respawn at a random, unoccupied location on the next turn.

Snake eating food pellets

Don't Starve

Every turn snakes will loose one health-point. In BattleSnake health-points serve like the snake's hunger bar, and if it reaches zero, the snake will starve and die. Eating food will restore snake's health to one-hundred points on the next turn.

Snake dying of starvation

Don't Collide with Snakes' Tails

If a snake collides with itself or any other snakes' tails, it dies.

Snake eating its own body

Head on Collisions

Head-to-head collisions follow different rules than the previously mentioned tail collisions.

In head-on collisions, the longer snake will survive.

Snake head-on collision

But if both snakes are the same size, they both die. Note that in the below scenario, the food remains (collisions are resolved before food is eaten).

Snake head on collision over food pellet

Testing Your Snake

If you have a game server running locally you can visit /test, plug your snake's URL in and a number of tests will be run against your server, checking if it follows all the basic game rules.

API Webhooks

All interactions with the game are implemented as HTTP POST webhooks. Once the game has begun your server will receive a request to your /start endpoint, and then on each turn a request to the /move endpoint. When a game has completed and the last move has been processed, a request to the /end endpoint will be made with information about which snake won, dead snakes, and death reasons.

POST /start

A request including the game_id will be issued to this endpoint to signify the start of a new game. The game server expects a JSON response with some information about your snake in order to start the game.

You can customise your snake with a head and tail type from the lists below:

Head Types

String referring to what head image should be used for your snake.

Renders one of the matching images in this directory.

  • bendr
  • dead
  • fang
  • pixel
  • regular
  • safe
  • sand-worm
  • shades
  • smile
  • tongue

Tail Types

String referring to what tail image should be used for your snake.

Renders one of the matching images in this directory.

  • block-bum
  • curled
  • fat-rattle
  • freckled
  • pixel
  • regular
  • round-bum
  • skinny
  • small-rattle

Example /start Request

  "game_id": 1,
  "width": 20,
  "height": 20

Example /start Response

    "color": "#FF0000",
    "secondary_color": "#00FF00",
    "head_url": "http://placecage.com/c/100/100",
    "taunt": "OH GOD NOT THE BEES",
    "head_type": "pixel",
    "tail_type": "pixel"

POST /move

A request including all the current game information will be issued to this endpoint on each turn. The game server expects a JSON response within 200ms.

Example /move Request

  "food": {
    "data": [
        "object": "point",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 9
    "object": "list"
  "height": 20,
  "id": 1,
  "object": "world",
  "snakes": {
    "data": [
        "body": {
          "data": [
              "object": "point",
              "x": 13,
              "y": 19
              "object": "point",
              "x": 13,
              "y": 19
              "object": "point",
              "x": 13,
              "y": 19
          "object": "list"
        "health": 100,
        "id": "58a0142f-4cd7-4d35-9b17-815ec8ff8e70",
        "length": 3,
        "name": "Sonic Snake",
        "object": "snake",
        "taunt": "Gotta go fast"
        "body": {
          "data": [
              "object": "point",
              "x": 8,
              "y": 15
              "object": "point",
              "x": 8,
              "y": 15
              "object": "point",
              "x": 8,
              "y": 15
          "object": "list"
        "health": 100,
        "id": "48ca23a2-dde8-4d0f-b03a-61cc9780427e",
        "length": 3,
        "name": "Typescript Snake",
        "object": "snake",
        "taunt": ""
    "object": "list"
  "turn": 0,
  "width": 20,
  "you": {
    "body": {
      "data": [
          "object": "point",
          "x": 8,
          "y": 15
          "object": "point",
          "x": 8,
          "y": 15
          "object": "point",
          "x": 8,
          "y": 15
      "object": "list"
    "health": 100,
    "id": "48ca23a2-dde8-4d0f-b03a-61cc9780427e",
    "length": 3,
    "name": "Typescript Snake",
    "object": "snake",
    "taunt": ""

Example /move Response

  "move": "up"

POST /end

A request including end game information such as winners, dead snakes, and death reasons will be issued to this endpoint at the end of the game.

Possible death causes are:

  • body collision
  • head collision
  • self collision
  • starvation
  • wall collision

Example /end Request

  "game_id": 10,
  "winners": [ "a46b558b-f31b-418f-bb07-6017dd91f653" ],
  "dead_snakes": {
    "object": "list",
    "data": [{
      "id": "4a35fd1c-434b-431b-839c-edf958d67e9a",
      "length": 3,
      "death": {
        "turn": 4,
        "causes": ["self collision"]

Example /end Response

Simply return a 200 OK response, the server will stop processing this game moving forward.


Running with Docker

You can run the official BattleSnake game server through Docker, allowing you to develop your snakes locally and whenever you want.

docker pull sendwithus/battlesnake-server
docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 sendwithus/battlesnake-server

You can then view the game server at http://localhost:3000.

NOTE: If you are running your snake on localhost or on the same local machine where you're running the game server, you won't be able to reference it as localhost in the game setup UI because the game server docker container runs on its own network. What this means for you is that you will need to use your computer's IP address (something like<port>) as your snake URL in order to add it to a game and not http://localhost:<port>.