:sparkles: Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
- 0
Repo: add a test-coverage script to simplify test flags
#10607 opened by 43081j - 7
Base rule extension: [`eqeqeq`] type-aware `smart` option
#10527 opened by Rudxain - 4
Docs: Deprecate `no-for-in-array`
#10558 opened by kirkwaiblinger - 4
Repo: consider adding a CI check for arethetypeswrong
#10594 opened by kirkwaiblinger - 2
Repo: Adopt `getConstraintInfo` internally
#10569 opened by kirkwaiblinger - 0
Repo: add testing around `TypeVariable`s/`IndexedAccessType`s and `getConstraintInfo`
#10606 opened by kirkwaiblinger - 2
Enhancement: [no-unused-vars] A way to precisely ignore "assigned a value but only used as a type" error
#10604 opened by cakoose - 1
Docs: How to use in JS-only projects?
#10605 opened by rakleed - 6
Bug: [consistent-indexed-object-style] autofix removes comments in many places
#10577 opened by andreww2012 - 1
Bug: [no-unnecessary-condition] False positive on dynamic access of generic value
#10600 opened by justinsmid - 0
Bug: Type incompatibility with ESLint types (from @vitest/eslint-plugin)
#10597 opened by danielrentz - 1
Bug: [no-deprecated] doesn't report on shorthand property in an object expression
#10545 opened by ronami - 2
Website: TSConfig errors are not shown in playground
#10580 opened by ronami - 7
Bug: import vue component in ts file trigger no-unsafe-argument
#10538 opened by mathcovax - 4
Bug: [no-unnecessary-condition] regression with types that include `undefined` under noUncheckedIndexedAccess
#10509 opened by controversial - 3
Rule proposal: prefer-string-function-replacer
#10575 opened by xiaoxiangmoe - 0
Repo: Upgrade to ts-api-utils 2.0
#10564 opened by kirkwaiblinger - 1
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Bug: [no-shadow] inconsistent reports on function parameter names inside ambient declarations clashing with real variable declarations
#10539 opened by andreww2012 - 0
Repo: Refactor TSConfigs to use project references
#10581 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 1
Docs: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] streamline code examples
#10566 opened by kirkwaiblinger - 5
Docs: standardize name styling
#10562 opened by lishaduck - 1
Bug: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] doesn't report on chain expressions in a ternary
#10531 opened by ronami - 5
Feature: [unified-signatures] Option to not report when signature has different JSDoc
#10520 opened by nicolo-ribaudo - 4
Enhancement: Better error message if parserOptions.project is set to an invalid TSConfig
#10511 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 3
Repo: Remove never-used downlevel-dts
#10506 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 0
- 0
Bug: [consistent-generic-constructors] Don't conflict with isolatedDeclarations if enabled
#10571 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 3
Docs: Mention `verbatimModuleSyntax` in docs for rules that encourage ESM import syntax
#10568 opened by kirkwaiblinger - 2
Bug: array-type automatic fix changes type logic when used with conditional types
#10519 opened by lunedis - 3
- 4
Bug: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] False positive with strict-function-types
#10559 opened by ehoogeveen-medweb - 3
Bug: [import/no-unresolved] Error when importing `typescript-eslint` in a pnpm setup
#10525 opened by lnuvy - 1
Enhancement: [naming-convention] Allow selecting only const with <const>literal
#10530 opened by nowaysgit - 1
Enhancement: [naming-convention] Allow selecting only const objectLiteralProperty
#10529 opened by nowaysgit - 3
- 6
- 1
- 3
Bug: huge memory consumption
#10516 opened by KostyaTretyak - 1
- 2
Bug: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] incorrectly flags enum switches as non-exhaustive
#10524 opened by maRci002 - 1
Repo: Export all rule Options and MessageId types
#10555 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 9
Enhancement: replace `fast-glob` with `tinyglobby`
#10533 opened by benmccann - 0
TxOverflowPoolHeap is not a heap at all, it's a pool
#10542 opened by Va992 - 3
Bug: [prefer-readonly-parameter-types] should not error when rule is used
#10502 opened by SerkanSipahi - 2
Bug: [no-restricted-imports] Potentially invalid rule JSON schema (`required: undefined`).
#10493 opened by virtuallyunknown - 1
Configs: `no-with` rule already enforced by TS
#10526 opened by Rudxain - 0
- 0
Docs: Add Bluesky social icons for team members
#10501 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 0
[no-unused-vars] add suggestion fixer
#10497 opened by bradzacher