Decorator-based transformation, serialization, and deserialization between objects and classes.
Pinned issues
- 1
question: release a new version?
#1725 opened by MoreBlood - 0
question: plainToInstance not creating an instance in a basic example from docs?
#1798 opened by moltco - 2
Move some utilities from @nestjs/swagger to class-transformer, class-validator, or make them to be a standalone library
#1779 opened by finom - 0
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feature: Support class-level decorators
#1788 opened by blended-bram - 0
question: Exclude properties not included in the specified group when using plainToClass
#1787 opened by chiuinggum - 0
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question: invalid/ignore
#1752 opened by dlgoodchild - 0
fix: `plainToInstance` with discriminated type union with no matching `subTypes` silently returns DTO
#1762 opened by Woodz - 7
fix: Nested objects are empty in some cases when using serialization groups
#1746 opened by jlefebvre1997 - 1
#1737 opened by suifengwuhen - 0
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feature: @Expose toInstanceOnly
#1731 opened by samislam - 3
feature: InstanceToPlain better return type
#1732 opened by samislam - 5
- 0
fix: plainToInstance is not working correcly
#1744 opened by ingrocha - 4
fix: plainToInstance 实例化不到 @Expose() get xxx
#1726 opened by 2395000206 - 4
shit plainToInstance returen input
#1729 opened by xbyl1234 - 4
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feature: Add type checking for data passed to
#1719 opened by scotch83 - 2
`Transform` decorator applies transformation multiple times on every `plainToInstance` call
#1720 opened by FurqanAthar3 - 3
What is the best way to nest properties ?
#1736 opened by victorantunesb - 1
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fix: Multiple Getter Calls in class-transformer
#1707 opened by JHyeok - 0
fix: allow plain to class to convert from Set to Set instead of from Set to Array
#1723 opened by onhate - 1
#1706 opened by ProductOfAmerica - 0
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fix: plainToClass cannot handle URL values
#1648 opened by littlefyr - 4
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Include @IsOptional values to the body if they are missing with default value
#1632 opened by AndonMitev - 2
fix: No Capability to BigInt?
#1702 opened by Slarper - 2
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question: How to expose attr when plain object no define
#1615 opened by KokoTa - 4
Transform decorator in class-transformer does not wait for asynchronous function and returns a Promise instead of the transformed value
#1688 opened by bansiddha-indexnine - 3
question: Casting Json to the required datatype
#1682 opened by AhmedK-Fawry - 3
question: Options in @Transform Decorator Do Not Reflect Those Passed to plainToInstance in class-transformer
#1676 opened by Sygun - 3
plainToClassFromExist is Deprecated what is the replacement for generics?
#1653 opened by charlesritchea - 2
fix: Expose not working correctly with toClassOnly
#1692 opened by kpiatkowski - 4
instanceToPlain not working properly using nestjs
#1684 opened by AaronTrazona - 4
- 0
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Cannot transform string to number
#1672 opened by stad-nico - 3
question: Getting `ReferenceError: Cannot access 'XXX' before initialization` in class circular dependency with Jest & Typescript
#1622 opened by Norlandz - 4
External Values are not stripped.
#1642 opened by HaaLeo - 4
fix: Can't use instanceToPlain with Nitro.js event.
#1635 opened by imcm7 - 2