
Zenrei is a service that can search the use history of class name, method name, and variable name from GitHub's most starred repositories.

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Zenrei is a service that can search the use history of class name, method name, and variable name from GitHub's most starred repositories.




Available at https://zenrei.nyamikan.net/



Returns use places of the specified name.

$ curl https://zenrei.nyamikan.net/v1/search?q=test_method
  "test_method": [
      "Repository": "oracle/truffleruby",
      "Filename": "tool/parse_mri_errors.rb",
      "Type": 31,
      "Name": "test_method"
      "Repository": "ruby/ruby",
      "Filename": "sample/simple-bench.rb",
      "Type": 30,
      "Name": "test_methods"
Parameter Type Description
q string name (case sensitive, forward match)
Key Type Description
Repository String repository name
Filename String file path in repository
Type Number name type
10: class
11: module
20: method
30: variable
31: parameter
32: instance variable
33: global variable
34: class variable
Name String class/method/variable name


Returns the usage frequencies of the specified name.

$ curl https://zenrei.nyamikan.net/v1/suggest?q=ssl_context
    "Name": "ssl_context",
    "Type": 0,
    "Count": 42
    "Name": "ssl_context_without_verify",
    "Type": 0,
    "Count": 2
    "Name": "ssl_context_with_verify",
    "Type": 0,
    "Count": 2
Parameter Type Description
q string name (case insensitive, forward match)
Key Type Description
Name String class/method/variable name
Type Number name type (unused)
Count Number number of use


Returns the synonyms of the specified name.

$ curl https://zenrei.nyamikan.net/v1/synonym?q=estimated
    "Synset": "05803379-n",
    "Lang": "eng",
    "Name": "estimation"
    "Synset": "05803379-n",
    "Lang": "eng",
    "Name": "estimate"
    "Synset": "05803379-n",
    "Lang": "jpn",
    "Name": "見積り"
    "Synset": "05803379-n",
    "Lang": "jpn",
    "Name": "値踏み"
Parameter Type Description
q string name (will be converted to lemma)
Key Type Description
Synset String synonym group name
Lang String language ("eng" or "jpn")
Name String synonym name


API server

  1. Download wnjpn.db(Japanese WordNet and English WordNet in an sqlite3 database) from http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/wnja/ to api/
  2. Rename mongo/mongod.conf.example to mongo/mongod.conf
  3. Rename database.yml.example to database.yml (used by scripts in creator/)
  4. Start servers: Run docker-compose up
  5. Create collections: Run creator/retreiver.rb, creator/parser.rb and creator/indexer.rb with bundler.
  6. Try access: http://localhost:8080/v1/search?q=test

View server (for development)

  1. Change URL in view/src/components/SearchBar.vue (prefix http://localhost:8080/)
  2. Change directory to view/
  3. Run npm run serve
  4. Try access: http://localhost:8081/