
The GraphQL API that powers typvp

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Home of the GraphQL API that powers typvp

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Make sure you have yarn, prisma, and docker installed on your system.

yarn -v

Install prisma globally (I like to use npm to globally install modules)

npm i -g prisma

Check that you have docker-compose available in your cli

docker-compose -v


Clone typvp-api

git clone https://github.com/typvp/typvp-api.git

Install dependencies


Hopefully everything goes smoothly.


Running the Yoga server for typvp-api locally:

yarn dev

Running the Docker instance alongside Yoga

yarn start:docker

Stopping the Docker instance when youre done

yarn stop:docker

Make a change to the prisma datamodel?

While the Docker instance is running;

prisma deploy

Running the tests

// todo


Once a PR/commit is merged to master it will have to be manually updated until there is a pipeline in place.

Built With

  • graphql-yoga
  • graphql-shield
  • prisma


// todo For now just submit a pr..


We will use semver for versioning, but right now we aren't tracking versions.



This project is licensed under BSD-3-Clause - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • typings.gg for big inspiration
  • 10fastfingers
  • typeracer