
A set of scripts to count OSM editor usage stats

Primary LanguagePerl

Calculating Editor Usage Stats

This set of scripts was made for updating the Editor Usage Stats page on the OpenStreetMap Wiki. It shows number of changesets, edits and unique users for every popular OSM editor.


Download a changeset bz2 file from planet.osm.org. Then run:

curl -L <changeset.bz2_url> | bzcat | ./xml2csv.pl | gzip > changesets.csv.gz

(Script xml2csv.pl take approximately 30mn on a regular computer)

After that use stats.pl for calculating stats for a given year or month. By default it prints statistics for the current year. Specify an optional parameter for filtering dates:

gzip -dc changesets.csv.gz | ./stats.pl 2015 > 2015.lst

(Script stats.pl take approximately 2mn on a regular computer)

For getting stats for year 2015. You can get stats for a specific month by using e.g. 2016-07 as a parameter.

Other Scripts

Wiki.pl prepares a wiki page for publishing to Editor Usage Stats.

Poi.pl downloads daily replication diffs for a year and prepares statistics on how many POI were added or modified with major editors.

Author and License

These scrips were written by Ilya Zverev and published under WTFPL.