
Send and track emails at scale with Rails and Redis

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Send and track emails at scale with Rails and Redis

You get:

  • A history of every email sent
  • Track Sent, Open, Click, Unsubscribe, Success, Bounce and Complaint
  • Easy UTM tagging

Works with any STMP provider but has built in Amazon SES callbacks (Success, Bounce and Complaint).


Send and track hundreds of thousands of emails per hour, with minimal resources.

In Development. Subject to Change


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'email_engine'

Generate and modify the initializer:

rails generate email_engine:install


By default, EmailEngine will mount at root with /emails as the user facing resource and /admin/emails as the admin resource. You can change the route by manually mounting the engine.

  mount EmailEngine::Engine => "/messages", as: 'email_engine'

If you use RailsEngine, ActiveAdmin or any other /admin namespaced engine, you'll need to mount EmailEngine first, otherwise the other engine might override the EmailEngine admin routes.


EmailEngine is configured to leverage the CanCan Authorization gem and the existing ability file. The following ability example would grant basic access to all users and restrict access to the EmailEngine admin to only users where user.admin? is true.

  def initialize(user)
    user ||= User.new
    can [:open, :click, :unsubscribe, :bounce, :complaint], EmailEngine::Email
    if user.admin?
      can :manage, EmailEngine::Email

How It Works

The tracking of email headers, content and statistics are all handled through Redis.

Every email has a unique Message Token, which is applied to the email header as "EMAIL-ENGINE-ID". Open, click and unsubscribe links use that Message Token to track usage, and stats are generated.

An admin provides the ability to monitor email performance.


EmailEngine tracks the user a message is sent to - not just the email address. This gives you a full history of messages for each user, even if he or she changes addresses.

By default, EmailEngine tries User.where(email: message.to.first).first to find the user.

You can pass a specific user with:

class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def welcome_email(user)
    # ...
    track user: user
    mail to: user.email


An invisible pixel is added right before the </body> tag in HTML emails.

If the recipient has images enabled in his or her email client, the pixel is loaded and the open time recorded.

Use track open: false to skip this.


A redirect is added to links to track clicks in HTML emails.




A signature is added to prevent open redirects.

Use track click: false to skip tracking, or skip specific links with:

<a data-skip-click="true" href="...">Can't touch this</a>

UTM Parameters

UTM parameters are added to links if they don’t already exist.

The defaults are:

  • utm_medium - email
  • utm_source - the mailer name like user_mailer
  • utm_campaign - the mailer action like welcome_email

Use track utm_params: false to skip tagging, or skip specific links with:

<a data-skip-utm-params="true" href="...">Break it down</a>

Extra Attributes

Extra Attributes can be added to the email record.

track extra: {campaign_id: 1}



There are 4 places to set options. Here’s the order of precedence.


class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def welcome_email(user)
    # ...
    track user: user
    mail to: user.email


class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  track utm_campaign: "boom"


EmailEngine.track open: false


EmailEngine.configure do |config|
  config.send = true
  config.open = true
  config.click = true
  config.unsubscribe = true
  config.unsubscribe_method = nil
  config.utm_params = true
  config.url_options = {}
  config.redis_url = "redis://localhost:6379/"
  config.store_email_content = true
  config.expire_email_content = 1.hour


You can use a Proc for any option.

track utm_campaign: proc{|message, mailer| mailer.action_name + Time.now.year }

Disable tracking for an email

track message: false

Or specific actions

track only: [:welcome_email]
track except: [:welcome_email]

Or by default

EmailEngine.track message: false

Customize domain

track url_options: {host: "mydomain.com"}

Use a different model

EmailEngine.message_model = UserMessage


Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:

Special Thanks

This gem was inspired by, and evolved from, AhoyEmail written by Andrew Kane.