
Demo GraphQL server that wraps a small part of the movie database

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Movie Database GraphQL wrapper

This is for now a super simple wrapper of the REST API for The Movie Database to convert it to GraphQL.

BUUUT. I plan to make it the best way to access TMDb via a GraphQL Endpoint available, at least until it's that good that Travis decides to make the API support GraphQL in the future.

Check out the live API hosted on Now.

Running the app

You'll need two API keys:

  1. themoviedb.org API key
  2. Apollo Engine API key

Run the app in local with:

yarn install
TMDB_API_KEY=<key 1> ENGINE_API_KEY=<key 2> yarn start

You might want to install now's zeit.co tools to deploy:

  1. Now Deployments

Deploy the app to now's cloud with:

yarn install
now -e TMDB_API_KEY="<key 1>" -e ENGINE_API_KEY="<key 2>"


To learn about what's going on, check out the docs for the tools and libraries used:

  1. Apollo Server
  2. Apollo Engine
  3. Deployment: Zeit's Docs

After completing the wrapper, build a client example app, using many SaaS and libraries, and document it as a blogpost series or vlog in a YT channel (Inspired very much in cabin-instagram clone series)

  1. [Auth0 | AUTH
  2. Algolia | SEARCH
  3. Stream for feeds
  4. Sendbird for CHAT