
NicoVideo downloader (inspired dlnico.py)

Primary LanguagePerl


$ dlnico.pl {video or mylist} [{saved directory}]

    video URI or number prefixed with "sm" or "nm".

    mylist URI or number.

{saved directory}
    the directory where downloaded video(s) are saved.
    default value is "." (current directory) .

$ dlnico.pl http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/22370493  # download all videos in mylist
$ dlnico.pl 22370493                                 # same as above
$ dlnico.pl http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14043624 # download the video
$ dlnico.pl sm14043624                               # same as above


Carton and cpanminus

Skip this step if you already installed both.

Install Carton and cpanminus under ~/perl5.

$ cat ~/.bash_profile
mkdir -p $HOME/perl5
[ "$PERL5LIB" ] && export PERL5LIB="$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB" || export PERL5LIB="$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5"
[ "$PATH" ] && export PATH="$HOME/perl5/bin:$PATH" || export PATH="$HOME/perl5/bin"

$ . ~/.bash_profile
$ curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - -L $HOME/perl5 App::cpanminus Carton


$ git clone https://github.com/tyru/dlnico.pl
$ cd dlnico.pl
$ carton

In addition, if you want to save your email and password into ~/.pit/default.yaml,
(if you DON'T want to specify your email and password by command-line arguments)

$ cpanm -L local Config::Pit


-h  Show short help.

    Show long help.

--email {email}
    Your email (as ID).

    if you have installed Config::Pit, and does not specify "--email",
    Config::Pit::pit_get() will invoke.

--password {password}
    Your password.

    if you have installed Config::Pit, and does not specify "--email",
    Config::Pit::pit_get() will invoke.

    Show progress while downloading.

    Default behavior is that if there is already a file on the path of
    saving .flv file, skip it. but overwrite it if you specify this
    "--overwrite" option.

-q, --quiet
    Run quietly.

-v, --verbose
    Run verbosely.