
Up-to-date public Docker image built from: 🐳 πŸ¦€ a dockerized lambda build env for rust applications

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AWS Lambda Rust docker builder πŸ‘ πŸ¦€ 🐳 Build Status

πŸ€” about

This docker image extends AWS Lambda provided.al2 runtime environment, and installs rustup and the stable rust toolchain.

This provides a build environment, consistent with your target execution environment for predictable results.

πŸ“¦ install

Tags for this docker image follow the naming convention rustserverless/lambda-rust:{version}-rust-{rust-stable-version} where {rust-stable-version} is a stable version of rust.

You can find a list of available docker tags here

πŸ’‘ If you don't find the version you're looking for, please open a new github issue to publish one

You can also depend directly on rustserverless/lambda-rust:latest for the most recently published version.

🀸 usage

The default docker entrypoint will build a packaged release optimized version of your Rust artifact under target/lambda/release to isolate the lambda specific build artifacts from your host-local build artifacts.

⚠️ Note: you can switch from the release profile to a custom profile like dev by providing a PROFILE environment variable set to the name of the desired profile. i.e. -e PROFILE=dev in your docker run

⚠️ Note: you can include debug symbols in optimized release build binaries by setting DEBUGINFO. By default, debug symbols will be stripped from the release binary and set aside in a separate .debug file.

You will want to volume mount /code to the directory containing your cargo project.

You can pass additional flags to cargo, the Rust build tool, by setting the CARGO_FLAGS docker env variable.

Unzipped boostrap and boostrap.debug files are always available under target/lambda/${PROFILE}/output/${BIN} dir. If you want only them and don't need a .zip archive (e.g. for when running lambdas locally) pass -e PACKAGE=false flag. More on that in local testing.

A typical docker run might look like the following.

$ docker run --rm \
    -u "$(id -u)":"$(id -g)" \
    -v ${PWD}:/code \
    -v ${HOME}/.cargo/registry:/cargo/registry \
    -v ${HOME}/.cargo/git:/cargo/git \

πŸ’‘ The -v (volume mount) flags for /cargo/{registry,git} are optional but when supplied, provides a much faster turn around when doing iterative development

Note that -u "$(id -u)":$(id -g) argument is crucial for the container to produce artifacts owned by the current host user, otherwise you won't be able to rm -rf target/lambda or run cargo update, because the container will write artifacts owned by root docker user to target/lambda and ./cargo/{registry,git} dirs which will break your dev and/or ci environment.

You should also ensure that you do have ${HOME}/.cargo/{registry,git} dirs created on your host machine, otherwise docker will create them automatically and assign root user as an owner for these dirs which is unfortunate...

If you are using Windows, the command above may need to be modified to include a BIN environment variable set to the name of the binary to be build and packaged

$ docker run --rm \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
+   -e BIN={your-binary-name} \
    -v ${PWD}:/code \
    -v ${HOME}/.cargo/registry:/cargo/registry \
    -v ${HOME}/.cargo/git:/cargo/git \

For more custom codebases, the '-w' argument can be used to override the working directory. This can be especially useful when using path dependencies for local crates.

$ docker run --rm \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -v ${PWD}/lambdas/mylambda:/code/lambdas/mylambda \
    -v ${PWD}/libs/mylib:/code/libs/mylib \
    -v ${HOME}/.cargo/registry:/cargo/registry \
    -v ${HOME}/.cargo/git:/cargo/git \
    -w /code/lambdas/mylambda \

βš“ using hooks

You can leverage hooks provided in the image to customize certain parts of the build process. Hooks are shell scripts that are invoked if they exist, so you can customize the process. The following hooks exist:

  • install: run before cargo build - useful for installing native dependencies on the lambda environment
  • build: run after cargo build, but before packaging the executable into a zip - useful when modifying the executable after compilation
  • package: run after packaging the executable into a zip - useful for adding extra files into the zip file

The hooks' names are predefined and must be placed in a directory .lambda-rust in the project root.

You can take a look at an example here.

πŸ”¬ local testing

Once you've built a Rust lambda function artifact, the provided.al2 runtime expects deployments of that artifact to be named "bootstrap". The lambda-rust docker image builds a zip file, named after the binary, containing your binary file renamed to "bootstrap" for you, but zip file creation is unnecessary for local development.

In order to prevent the creation of an intermediate .zip artifact when testing your lambdas locally, pass -e PACKAGE=false during the build. After that the necessary output (not zipped) is available under target/lambda/{profile}/output/{your-lambda-binary-name} dir. You will see both bootstrap and bootstrap.debug files there.

⚠️ Note: PACKAGE=false prevents package hook from running.

You can then invoke this bootstrap executable for the provided.al2 AWS lambda runtime with a one off container.

# Build your function skipping the zip creation step
# You may pass `-e PROFILE=dev` to build using dev profile, but here we use `release`
docker run \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -e PACKAGE=false \
    -e BIN={your-binary-name} \
    -v ${PWD}:/code \
    -v ${HOME}/.cargo/registry:/cargo/registry \
    -v ${HOME}/.cargo/git:/cargo/git \

# Build a container with your binary as the runtime

$ docker build -t mylambda -f- . <<EOF
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/provided:al2
COPY bootstrap /var/runtime
CMD [ "function.handler" ]

# start a container based on your image
$ docker run \
        --name lambda \
        --rm \
        -p 9000:8080 \
        -d mylambda

# provide an event payload (in event.json" by http POST to the container

$ curl -X POST \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d "@event.json" \

# Stop the container
$ docker container stop lambda

You may submit multiple events to the same container.

🀸🀸 usage via cargo aws-lambda subcommand

A third party cargo subcommand exists to compile your code into a zip file and deploy it. This comes with only rust and docker as dependencies.


$ cargo install cargo-aws-lambda

To compile and deploy in your project directory

$ cargo aws-lambda {your aws function's full ARN} {your-binary-name}

To list all options

$ cargo aws-lambda --help

More instructions can be found here.

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2020, Alexander Zaitsev (zamazan4ik) 2021