All the Things - capitalizing on big data from devices, drones, and cubesats

Start presentation: GitPitch

Date: 2019-10-01

Location: AGIC Symposia, Prescott Arizona

Presenter: Tyson Lee Swetnam


"Data deluge" has become common phraseology for the phenomena sweeping across virtually every geospatial and remote sensing sub-discipline. Data from imagery or video, via high resolution cameras, or active sensors (i.e. lidar), deployed on drones, manned aircraft, or cube-sats, as well as instrumented field equipment and hand held devices are producing information at a historically unprecedented rate. Meanwhile, a gap in the knowledge of managers, stewards, domain scientists, and data scientists threatens our ability to adapt to rapidly warming climate and a growing population. Closing these gaps requires collaboration across disciplines: an understanding of cyberinfrastructure and computational thinking in order to tackle big data with large shared resources. This talk will provide a roadmap and a broad overview of exemplar communities that have successfully established their own cyberinfrastructure with open software, and strategies for harnessing the big data revolution.

Key Takeaway:

Learn about cloud, distributed computing, and the ability to process up to petabyte scale lidar and imagery datasets using free and open source software, and nationally available resources. Will help managers and researchers recognize areas where their shops could begin the migration to cyberinfrastructure and working in cloud.

Intended Audience:

Geographic Information Systems specialists working with lidar, structure from motion photogrammetry, manned aerial, satellite, and sUAS imagery. Agronomists, Foresters, Ecologists, Surveyors, interested in scaling up with big data.