Cdk-dia diagrams your CDK provisioned infrastructure using the Grpahviz dot lanuguage.
This Diagram was automatically generated from an AWS CDK stack
Add cdk-dia to your CDK project
$ npm install cdk-dia
Install Graphviz
$ brew install graphviz
- If you don't use brew: Graphviz installation in many environments is well documented.
- make sure Graphviz's dot binary is available in your PATH.
Synthesize your CDK application
$ cdk synth
Generate a CDK-DIA diagram
$ npx cdk-dia
In some cases it is useful to be able to tweak a diagram. For this purpose CDK-DIA includes customizers/decorators you can use with your CDK constructs in order to tweak the diagram.
- In order to customize you have to add cdk-dia as a npm project dependency (globally installing it using
npm -g
won't allow you to use theCdkDiaDecorator
Consider the following diagram of a 3-Tier CDK Stack:
In this diagram CDK-DIA collapsed the DBTier (done automatically to any CDK Level 2 (L2) construct) in order to create a diagram which contains the most important details.
One can use a decorator in order to customize the diagram and prevent CDK-DIA from collapsing the Construct.
This is done by implementing CDK's IInpectable's interface and using CDK-DIA's decorator. example:
This results in a Diagram where the DB-Tier was not collapsed providing more details:
- a full example or the above can be found at examples/decoration-example
npx cdk-dia --help
- Get possible argumentsnpx cdk-dia --stacks stackOne stackFour
- only diagram chosen aws-cdk stacksnpx cdk-dia --stacks pipelinestack/prod/database
- choose stacks by path (nested stacks, pipeline stacks)