Summarizes a GitHub user's commits for a year
You'll need a Go environment. Then just run go build
or go install
. You also need write access to a MongoDB server.
Once the app is build, just run the executable (go build
will generate the binary in the same directory as the source).
Use the --help
flag to see the options. You will have to have a
GitHub Personal Access Token which must have access to the organization
and repositories you want to scan.
The required parameters are:
- The username of the GitHub user you want to generate the report for.
- The token discussed above
- The name of the organization on GitHub whose repositories you want to scan.
The application will iterate over all of the organization's repositories and get a list of all commits for the user over the
span of a year. When it is finished, it will produce a report which will have a line per repository similar to
repository_name: X.XX days
The (big) assumption made is that any number of commits to a repository represent a day spent on that code. If commits are made to multiple repositories, then the day is evenly split among them. For instance, if the user has 2 commits to ProjectA and 1 commit to ProjectB on a given day, then both ProjectA and ProjectB earn half (0.5) a day. No weight is given to the number of commits or their size.