
A simple peer to peer key-value store inspired by chord.

Primary LanguageGo


A simple HTTP peer-to-peer distributed hash table inspired by Chord.


Corduroy started as a lightweight implementation of the Chord peer-to-peer hashtable that was written in Java. It has since been migrated to Go and some of the signature elements of Chord have been removed. Nodes in Corduroy still form a logical ring where elements are hashed to a particular node and duplicated in the prior N nodes for redudancy, but each node keeps a directory of all other known nodes and can reach the best node directly instead of relying on a finger table to forward queries. Corduroy can be embedded into another Go application or can be run as a standalone process and queried via HTTP.

Building Corduroy

To build Corduroy natively:

make all

To build Corduroy in a Docker container:

make all-container

Running Corduroy

To run Corduroy:

make run

To run without Make with a few fictious sample flags:

bin/corduroy -p 8081 -u http://localhost:8080

To run in a Docker container:

make run-container

Embedding Corduroy

To embed Corduroy into an application:

port := 8081
path := "/"
store := NewMemoryStore()
registry := NewMemoryRegistry()
node := NewNode(port, path, store, registry)

seed := "http://localhost:8080"

node.Put("foo", "bar")
s := node.Get("foo")