
A modern WebSub client, made to complement the WebSub Server

Primary LanguageGoISC LicenseISC

Go WebSub Client

A Go implementation of a WebSub client. It has been tested to pass every WebSub Rocks! Subscriber test.

See examples/basic.go for a basic example which uses a built-in webserver to subscribe.

Looking for a server? Check out WebSub Server!


go get meow.tf/websub/client


  • Acts as it's own http server, or can be used externally by using VerifySubscription and handing requests yourself.
  • Supports secrets and sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 validation
  • Integrates into the matching WebSub Server stores to use the same across both.
  • Supports discovery of HTTP Headers, RSS, Atom, and HTML for hubs.
  • Correctly follows topic and hub redirects, as well as uses the discovered "self" url instead of the passed topic.