#Welcome to the playground. Getting started...

  • theme.less is your dojo, that file will constitue the theme. Comments are provided to guide you along the way.
  • Use the dev environment, it's easy to set up and will have you off and running in no time.
  • If you've never written in LESS, don't worry, it's the same thing as css with some extra abilities. I break down what you need to know at the bottom of this document.

When you're done creating your theme styles...

  • Rename the theme.less file to whatever your theme is called.
  • For now, ask Daniel Rippstein how to get the theme file into the system properly.

#Setting Up the Development Environment

###Initial Install

You change something in themes.less, save, your styles are compiled and the browser refreshes automatically. That's what we're going to set up in a couple easy steps. It will run on a local server, allowing all your online dependencies to be pulled down (jquery, font-awesome, any google fonts).

  1. Open up "Terminal" or "Command Prompt" on windows (we'll call it "terminal" from here on).
  2. If you don't have node.js installed, install it from http://nodejs.org/ look for the big obvious 'Install' button.
  3. If you don't have grunt.js installed, install it by entering npm install -g grunt-cli into the terminal. If you're on a mac and it looks like it didn't work, try sudo npm install -g grunt-cli to install as administrator, enter your computer's password when promted.
  4. Download the theme kit from github and cd into the folder from the terminal. Easiest way is to just type cd, space, then drag the folder onto the termina, it will type the folder path for you then hit enter.
  5. Type npm install, hit enter. If it fails, try sudo npm install instead. This will create a 'node_modules' folder and download the stuff grunt needs for running it's magic. You only need to do this once, unless you delete the node_modules folder somehow, then you'd run this again.
  6. Type grunt server and hit enter. You should see two processes fire up, one running a local server at localhost:3000, and one running "watch", which watches the theme.less file and compiles less + refreshes the browser every time you save. If you save and don't see a change, take a peek at the terminal, it's probably because you have a mistake in your less, when it's fixed and you save, it will compile and reload properly.

###Firing Up

  1. Open terminal and cd into the theme_boilerplate folder.
  2. Run grunt server

This will run a local server at localhost:3000 and every time you save the theme.less file, it will compile the less into css and refresh the browser.