WebGPSD is an update to minigpsd. It still logs to KML files, but now takes multiple NMEA sources (via the python scripts and picks the best one), multiple annotation sources (like for my motorcycle data) all using one or two listen sockets, e.g. http://localhost:2947 or Satellite status as web page using json updates. Version 0.7 Released under GPLv3. URLs: all are http://(localhost):2947(or port)/... Anything not found will return the main status and menu page or a 404 code The main status page is built-in and does NOT require javascript. It uses a meta-refresh. The templates are in /etc/webgpsd/ after install It will also serve any page from that directory so you can create your own. They are limited to 32K. radfmt.html is the template for the radar map and is loaded and cached when webgpsd starts. The others will be served from the directory directly. gpsdata[[-<tilt>]-<range>].kml - network link for google earth gpsdata.kml has range 1500, tilt 45, gpsdata-30-1000.kml has tilt of 30, range of 1000. dogmap.html will bring up a moving google map display. This is a static page. gpsstat.json will return a json string with the gps and location status (webgpsd format) gpsdata.xml will return a KMLv2 xml string for google maps radar{range}.html will return a page with a live animated update radar map. radar.html defaults to 20 miles, radar50.html will return a 50 mile map This is a template that fills in printf strings. satstat.heml will show the satellites, the size of the squares indicates signal, Numbers are of the satellites. Also direction and speed with a line and HDOP with a circle in the center. The outermost circle will be green for 3d fix, yellow for 2d, gray for none. This is a static page, but uses javascript and queries to grab the GPS data. For Harely: hogstat.html brings up the instrument cluster. This is a static page that uses javascript to grab the harley data hogstat.json returns the bike status WebGPSD - current programs (ADD CHUMBY!) gps source scripts btgpsrc.py <bluetoothaddr> [pin] # pin defaults to zero devgpsrc.py /dev/ttyUSBn # read from ttyUSBn devgpsrc.py /dev/ttyACMn devgpsrc.py # stdin playback.py <list of kmz or kml files written by webgps> pbrawnema.py rawfiles # playback text captures of NMEA hogdev - read chumby i2c for ATtiny4313 j1850 converter messages devgpsrc - read chumby device (typically /dev/ttyUSB0) for data webgpsd build files: webgpsd.c gpsdata.c web.c webgpsd.h Makefile* compress generated kml to kmz using gzip (put binary in /usr/bin): kml2kmz - convert kml file to kmz file kmzmerge - merge converted kmz files in directory N into N.kmz note: google earth 6 only displays the first file Harley j1850 decode: harley.c