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Solais means "light" in Irish. Claíomh Solais, "Sword of Light" or "Shining Sword," is a weapon that appears in Irish and Scottish Gaelic folktales, reputedly as an Undefeatable Sword such that once unsheathed, no one could escape its blows.

Also, we Vision group mainly deal with lights in the images :)


  • CMake >= 3.10
  • OpenCV 4
  • Boost
  • ZBar (for ArmorSolverUnitTest)
  • CUDA >= 10.2 or 11.8
  • cuDNN >= 8.x
  • TensorRT >= 8.2.1 (used for YOLOv5)

Setup on Jetson Nano (Ubuntu)

Ubuntu 18.04 for Jetson Nano has OpenCV 4.1.1 and CUDA related packages pre-installed.

Install or Upgrade CMake

# Remove the existing version
sudo apt remove --purge cmake

# If snap fails to download, consider using proxy
sudo snap set system proxy.http="http://<ip>:<port>"
sudo snap set system proxy.https="http://<ip>:<port>"

# Install
sudo snap install cmake --classic

CMake installed by Snap is at /snap/bin, which is not in PATH by default. To add it to PATH:

echo 'export PATH="/snap/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="/snap/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

To check CMake's version:

cmake --version

Install Boost

The Boost library from apt-get of Ubuntu 18.04 is too old. Building from source can be time-consuming as Jetson Nano doesn't have powerful CPU. Instead, install newer Boost from third-party source.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mhier/libboost-latest
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install libboost1.74-dev

Note: this package only provides dynamic libraries. Do not use set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON).

Note: tried install Boost 1.76 from source but encountered boost::filesystem::status: Function not implemented...

Install Protocol Buffer

sudo snap install protobuf --classic

Install ZBar

sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev libzbar0

Setup on macOS

brew install cmake opencv boost zbar protobuf

Note: Since no one from our team uses macOS currently, we're unable to provide detailed instructions on how to install CUDA, cuDNN and TensorRT on macOS. To our knowledge, it's no longer possible to install CUDA on macOS since CUDA 10.2.

Setup on WSL (Ubuntu 22.04)

As nVidia published their Jetson ORIN Nano, we think it's better to use Ubuntu 22.04 as our testing environment. However, most of the parts are identical between different versions of Ubuntu, so the following steps should possibly also work on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.

Install CMake

Newer version of CMake is already in APT repository of Ubuntu 22.04. To install it:

sudo apt install cmake

To check CMake's version:

cmake --version

Install Boost

Similarly, it's longer needed to use an external source to install Boost on Ubuntu 22.04.

sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

Install Protocol Buffer

Protocol Buffer is also available in APT repository of Ubuntu 22.04.

sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler

Install ZBar

sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev libzbar0

Install CUDA 11.8

To install CUDA 11.8 on Ubuntu 22.04, follow the instructions on NVIDIA's website.

Install cuDNN 8.6.0

To install cuDNN 8.6.0 on Ubuntu 22.04, follow the instructions on NVIDIA's website.

Install TensorRT 8.5.3

To install TensorRT 8.5.3 on Ubuntu 22.04, follow the instructions on NVIDIA's website.

Install OpenCV 4.7.0

OpenCV must be built from source on Ubuntu 22.04. To install OpenCV 4.7.0, follow the instructions on OpenCV's website.

CMake Build System

This project uses CMake build system. The main design idea is to make dependencies flexible: if dependencies of a target cannot be fully satisfied, the target is not added but no error is raised, so that other targets may still be able to build.

Therefore, we don't need to install Qt (required by SolaisTerminal) on Jetson Nano, neither OpenCV (required by Solais Core) on the PC that only needs to run SolaisTerminal.

The two main targets are Solais Core (Solais) and Terminal (SolaisTerminal). The others are shared components, tools and unit tests.

CMake Options for Jetson Nano (Ubuntu)

To let CMake find ProtoBuf installed by Snap, the installation path needs to be supplied manually:


Other CMake Options

The following option specify Qt install path (required to let CMake find Qt):


PARAM_SET_ROOT and DATA_SET_ROOT define the directory paths of parameter sets and data sets. By default, they are both <Project Directory>/data, and therefore:

<Project Directory>/data/params: parameter files
<Project Directory>/data/params_backup: backup of parameter files on every save
<Project Directory>/data/videos: video files
<Project Directory>/data/images/<Image Set Folder>: image files

To disable Serial (for example, to test Solais locally):


Design Idea: Core-Terminal Co-Design from the Start

One of the difficulties of Vision is tuning and testing. Hard-coded parameters are unacceptable, as every change requires a re-compile.

On the other hand, results of each processing step need to be visualized. With the typical approach used by most teams: OpenCV's imshow, images can only be shown on Jetson's desktop and therefore a screen is still required.

Therefore, from the start of this project, a Terminal for tuning and testing is co-designed with the Core:

  • Protocol Buffer is used for parameters and results.
  • Core communicates with Terminal completely through TCP with the customized protocol (TerminalSocket.h)
  • Terminal UI are automatically generated from .proto file at compile time (with Every time to add a parameter, all we need is:
    • Change Parameters.proto
    • Add a default value in ParamSetManager.cpp
    • Add a default value in each existing json file of parameters (otherwise the error of missing fields will arise)
    • Use the parameter in the code
    • There is nothing to do with Terminal UI file.
  • Terminal-related code should have zero overhead in Core when the Terminal is not attached.
    • Core never sends results actively. Result images, frame rates, parameters and other data are fetched by Terminal.

doc/ describes the list of messages exchanged between the Core and the Terminal. Make sure to update it whenever a new message is added.