This is a direct comparison of the simple calculator contract written in Beaker and bare PyTeal and it shows how Beaker simplifies writing smart contracts and interacting with them.
calculator-pyteal/ - Directory containing calculator app and interactions in bare PyTeal and Python SDK
approval.teal - autogenerated calculator TEAL approval program
clear.teal - autogenerated calculator TEAL clear program
contract.json - A JSON file describing the interface of the contract to be read by SDK clients - A calculator PyTeal contract that generates a set of methods that can be called as ABI methods - A set of interaction calls that uses the Python SDK to interact with the calculator app - helper method that fetch accounts from sandbox
calculator-beaker/ - Directory containing calculator app and interactions in Beaker - A calculator Beaker contract and interaction calls with Beaker
Install the sandbox to start a local private node and start it with the source
NOTE: Currently Beaker requires a sandbox running with the source config (or any config that contains this commit)
If you're in the sandbox directory run:
./sandbox up source
Next, clone this repository and cd to the root directory.
Create a virtual environment inside the project directory.
python3 -m venv venv
Activate virtual environment.
source ./venv/bin/activate
requirements.txt file contains all of the required dependencies and packages. Install them in your virtual environment by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Check all dependencies and packages install in your virtual environment by running:
pip list
After double checking that sandbox is running, go into the calculator-pyteal directory and run:
This will create the teal source files in approval.teal and clear.teal, and contract.json ABI file.
This will deploy and interact with the calculator app.
Go into the calculator-beaker directory and run:
This will compile, deploy, and interact with the calculator app.