Example: simply naive Clojure REST API service using reitit to "manage" users.
The service API schema and back end Clojure code are using different case letter convention: The API schema is using camelCase
(popular convention in many programing languages such as JavaScript) and the backend Clojure code is using kebab-case
Read more about the this repository in this medium post
Clone this repo into your local hard drive and start the HTTP service:
> lein repl
Test the REST API endpoints using Swagger UI from http://localhost:3000/api-docs, or from the command line using httpie:
# list all users
http GET :3000/v1/users
http GET :3000/v1/users lastName==second
# add new user
http POST :3000/v1/users userName=new-user firstName=new lastName=user
# get specific user
http DELETE :3000/v1/users/2
# update specific user
http PUT :3000/v1/users/2 userName=user-2 firstName=new-fname lastName=new-lname
# delete specific user
http DELETE :3000/v1/users/2