
See the line numbers of whathever it is that's going on in STDOUT

Primary LanguageAwk


See the line numbers of whathever it is that's going on in STDOUT by piping it to numbrs.


The only requirement for this script is perl, which, if you're using Linux, you most certainly already have. Just put the file in one of the many paths that your $PATH already has, hopefully, you'll have write access to one of them to put the file there and give it execution permission, basically this:

$ mv numbrs ~/bin
$ chmox +x ~/bin/numbrs

Example usage:

Number ls output:

$ ls -1
$ ls -1 | numbrs
2 numbrs

Number grep output:

$ grep "num" README.md | numbrs
1 numbrs
2 See the line numbers of whathever it is that's going on in STDOUT by piping it to `numbrs`.
3     cat numbrs | ./numbrs
4     numbrs
5     $ ls -1 | numbrs
6     2 numbrs

Number cat output:

$ cat .git/config | numbrs
1 [core]
2   repositoryformatversion = 0
3   filemode = true
4   bare = false
5   logallrefupdates = true
6 [remote "origin"]
7   url = git@github.com:LuRsT/numbrs.git
8   fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
9 [branch "master"]
10  remote = origin
11  merge = refs/heads/master