CS 506 Final Projects

This repository hosts all final project code, documentation, and deliverables for CS 506 Spring 2020.


To submit your code, documentation, or deliverables, you must create Pull Requests to this repository (see below for instructions). Any team member can create Pull Requests for their team and we suggest taking turns such that every team member submits at least one PR before the end of the semester.

Each team will have their own folder in this repository. You should only make changes to your team's folder.

Getting Started

Please read Getting Started with Git to set up Git on your laptop. You will also need to create a GitHub account.

To contribute to a repository on GitHub, you'll want to first Fork the repository. You can then Clone that fork locally to start making changes. Make sure to add a remote pointing to the repo you forked. Typically this remote is named upstream. To add changes to your fork you must first create and checkout a branch named after the component you are working on. Then add and commit your changes. You can then Push these changes to your fork on github and create a Pull Request against the forked repository.

Step by step checklist

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your fork locally
  • Add a remote called upstream pointing to this repo (https://github.com/BU-Spark/CS506-Spring2020-Projects or git@github.com:BU-Spark/CS506-Spring2020-Projects.git)
  • Create and checkout a branch named after the component/feature you are working on
  • Editing the relevant file(s)
  • Add and Commit your changes
  • Push these changes to your fork on github
  • Create a Pull Request against this repository.

Addressing Feedback

Once you have created a PR, we will review it and submit feedback. This feedback must be addressed in order for the PR to be merged. In order to address feedback:

  • Locally edit the relevant files on the same branch that you used to create your PR
  • Add your changes
  • Amend your commit
  • Force Push these changes to your fork on github
  • These changes should now be reflected in the PR

Project Deliverables

Project Deliverable 0

Teams should have met with their client, reviewed the project scope, and submitted a pull request with the revised and final project description. Project descriptions should include data sources that your team will collect, including any additional datasets you identify that you think would enhance the project, specific questions that will be answered and the step by step approach you will take for transforming the data (cleaning) and answering strategic questions.

Project Deliverable 1

ALL data should have been collected. Your team should perform a preliminary analysis of the data and attempt to answer one question relevant to your project proposal which you will submit as a pull request.

Project Deliverable 2

All project questions should have been reviewed, answered, and submitted in a written document outlining findings as a PR. You will also be asked to submit the associated data and a README explaining what each label/feature in your dataset represents. Your team should meet with the client before this deliverable.

Project Deliverable 3

This is a draft of your final report that has been reviewed by your client. It includes all visualizations, results, data, and code up to this point, along with proper documentation on how to reproduce your results, compile and use your codebase, and navigate your dataset. Your team will submit this as a PR.

Final Project Deliverable

This should be an enhancement of deliverable 3.