Created in software projects "CSC394" during Winter 2021 under professor Thomas Muscarello.
- Main (ALL OF THE CODE MERGED except Krishan-front-end)
- Front-End (Front-end code)
- Back-End (Back-end code) This is where our back-end code is stored. Here, you will find:
- Old Python files (these files are not used in our current back-end)
- A database script written in SQL (it creates the tables in a database and fills the tables with data)
- Two scripts written in Bash (one script contains the back-end functionality and the other script runs the first script every second)
- A PHP script that works with Ajax code on the front-end to transfer data between the front-end and the back-end (data transfer implementation was unsuccessful)
- Krishan-Front-End (unimplemented front-end with Ajax and FTP functions) (NOT OUR FRONT-END PRODUCT, just additional functions in a testing environment)
Our project was aimed at making an alternative platform to a project-based course such as CSC394. Software projects are not very well accommodated for D2L. D2L is a great tool for courses that rely on a homework, quiz, exam assignment manner but is not a credible tool for more intricate collaborative projects. Our intention with D2L being an error-prone platform for software development projects is to create a platform that encompasses how we would like to develop software. There are various tools out there that already exist for project management although not many of them are specifically attributed to the collegiate space.
By taking inspiration from software development practices such as SCRUM, AGILE, Kanban, Github, and various other concepts/tools. We intend to develop a website capable of addressing such a software development oriented course so that the professor and students alike are able to organize their development process.
- JQuery/Ajax
- Python/Bash
- MS-SQL Database
Our project was not able to pass integration-testing and as a result, our front-end and back-end were unable to connect. By the time we had found out we already had a majority of our functions programmed and it was too late to pivot so we decided to remain as such for the course. In the future we intend to much more cautious about choosing our technologies and look upon precedent projects as an example prior to development.