Email finder is used to find and record all email addresses associated with a given web site. The program finds all email address on the given page and then recursively calls itself for any links to pages found on the current page.
Email finder generates the following outputs:
- a file containing the discovered emails
- a file containing the links to pages that were successfully read
- a file containing the links to pages that were not successfully read
java -jar email-finder.jar
java -jar email-finder.jar
Added ability to use local files. Just provide complete path. ("file://" is not needed or expected).
Added max email parameter. In a test of EmailFinder, it could look like this:
EmailFinder.main(new String[] {"", "3"});
... meaning it should stop after 3 email addresses are found.
- Now write out found email addresses, list of successful URLs, and a list of failed URLs
- StorageService class was added to encapulated storage details
- PageCrawler is now created with with 2 parameters: a StorageService and a maximum number of email addresses to find
- The main method of EmailFinder was refactored to provide a run() method for easier testing