You need a minikube instance running, to start one run:
# starting minikube
minikube start
# stopping minikube
minikube stop
# skaffold dev or skaffold run
skaffold dev
# delete/wipe skaffold
skaffold delete
You can run most of the listed actions below with this script from the root directory:
# linux/mac
# windows
Build the docker image in the root directory with the following command:
docker build -t tzdanows/df:latest -f ./data-fetcher/Dockerfile ./data-fetcher/
Run the docker container:
docker run --rm tzdanows/df
Deploying the container to k8s
# push it to docker hub (assuming you just rebuilt the image)
docker push tzdanows/df:latest
# apply the deployment to k8s
kubectl apply -f data-fetcher/deployment.yaml
# if you are updating a former k8s deployment, use this
kubectl rollout restart deployment/df
# verify the update
kubectl rollout status deployment/df
Run the container in k8s:
# get pod name
kubectl get pods
# run the code
kubectl exec [POD_NAME] -- ./df
Note: You need to refresh the riot API key once every 24h unless you apply to be an official application endorsed by riot