TemaTres : The way to manage formal representations of knowledge TemaTres : aplicación para la gestión de vocabularios controlados
Tematres has the following system requirements:
- HTTP server (with mod_rewrite enabled)
- MySQL version 5.0 or greater (or mariaDB)
- PHP scripting language version 5.4 or higher (7.4 tested)
- Unpack TemaTres in your web document root (i.e. /var/www/tematres/)
- Configure your database connection in TEMATRES_PATH/vocab/db.tematres.php
- Open your browser in your tematres path installation and run Install script .
You can change the "vocab" directory to any name. To create other or many vocabularies, copy "vocab" directory (eg: vocab2, etc) and change the params of db.tematres.php (eg: change the tables prefix).
To update from previous Tematres versions:
- Make a backup of your data (Login as admin: Menu -> Administration -> Export: Select SQL (backup)
- Copy the code of Tematres 3.2 in the web path directory, config the database connection credentials in db.tematres.php or maintain the previous db.tematres.php
- Login as admin: Menu -> Administration -> Database maintenance -> Update from 2.x -> 3.2
If you have any problems with these instructions, or if they weren't clear or just didn't plain work, please let me know at tematres@r020.com.ar
For tutorials and documentation, please visit:
https://vocabularyserver.com/wiki/ or (in spanish) https://r020.com.ar/tematres/manual/
Visit: https://www.vocabularyserver.com/vocabularies/
Main site: https://www.vocabularyserver.com/
Community translations available here: https://crowdin.com/project/tematres
TemaTres is released under the licence GNU General Public License, Version 2 (GPLv2), June 1991. Free Software Foundation Copyright (C) 2004-2021 Diego Ferreyra tematres@r020.com.ar
diego ferreyra tematres@r020.com.ar https://www.vocabularyserver.com