
Dockerfile with Automated Builds that has rvm built in for easy versioning of Ruby! :)

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Docker Base Image RVM preinstalled


Super easy to use & lightweight Docker image that comes with RVM for managing ruby versions. Docker Hub Link: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/tzenderman/docker-pyenv-rvm-nvm/

Want to use this in your project?

Simply add

FROM tzenderman/docker-rvm:latest

to the top of your Dockerfile and that's it. You'll now have rvm pre-installed in your container. Want to manage your ruby version in your project's repo? Simply add a .ruby-version file to your project's root and then manage the install inside your project's Dockerfile like this:


COPY .ruby-version /code/.ruby-version
COPY .gemrc /code/.gemrc
COPY Gemfile /code/Gemfile
RUN rvm install $(cat .ruby-version) && \
    rvm use --default && \
    /bin/bash -l -c "bundle install;"

Now, when you want to upgrade to a new language version, simply update your .ruby-version to 2.2.2, rebuild your Docker image, and that's it!


RVM: https://rvm.io/