
A very simple commandline todo utility.

Primary LanguageRuby


A very simple commandline todo utility.

Requires trollop, colorize, chronic and Ruby1.9.


  1. Put it anywhere you like, then alias it or link it to your /usr/local/bin.

  2. The first time the command is run it would create a file .todo in your home folder, where it'll store the serialized todo data.

  3. Modify the default for TIMEZONE inside todo.rb.

  4. To add a task, use todo -a 'some task'.

  5. To add a task with a due date, use todo -a 'some task' -b 'some due time'. The due time is rather flexible, you can use:

  • a date, like 09/14.
  • a weekday, like 'monday' or 'next monday'.
  • a period, like 'in four days'.
  • a period to a time point, like '10 days after next 15th'.
  • more details, like '3 days after the next monday morning'.
  1. To mark a task as done, use `todo -d n' where n is the index listed for the task.