
EDK II metadata expression syntax parser

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

EDK II Expression Parser

This library provides a simple parser that can be used to evaluate the value of an expression which aligns EDK II Meta-Data Expression Syntax Specification revision 1.3.


This library requires Python 3.10 or later, and Pygments.

This library is intended to be used as part of another project, and I will not make it available on PyPI.

You can use the pip to install it from source:

pip install git+https://github.com/tzing/edk2-expression.git

or simply copy the source code into your project.


First, parse the expression text into abstract syntax tree (AST):

>>> import edk2_expression
>>> expr = edk2_expression.parse("$(FOO) +2")

Then, evaluate the expression with a dictionary of variables:

>>> print(expr.evaluate({"FOO": 1}))

For nested expression, one can set nest to evaluate to evaluate it:

>>> expr1 = edk2_expression.parse("True ? $(BAR) + 3 : 0")
>>> print(expr1.evaluate({"FOO": 1, "BAR": expr}, nest="evaluate"))

See example/ directory for more examples.

Supported Syntax

Data Fields

EDK II Data Field Name Supported Evaluate
<Array> No1 No
<CName> Yes No
<Function> No2 No
<GuidValue> Partial3 Yes; Returns uuid.UUID
<MacroVal> Yes Yes; Returns the macro value
<Number> Yes Yes; Returns the number
<PcdName> Yes No
<StringLiteral> Yes Yes; Returns the string
<TrueFalse> Yes Yes; Returns True/False


EDK II Expression Name Operator Supported Precedence4
<UnaryExpression> !, NOT, not, ~ Yes 2
<MultiplicativeExpress> *, /, % Yes 3
<AdditiveExpress> +, - Yes 4
<ShiftExpression> <<, >> Yes 5
<RelationalExpress> <, LT, <=, LE, >, GT, >=, GE Yes 6
<EqualityExpression> ==, EQ, !=, NE Yes 7
<BitwiseAndExpression> & Yes 8
<BitwiseXorExpress> ^ Yes 9
<BitwiseOrExpress> | Yes 10
<LogicalAndExpress> &&, AND, and Yes 11
<LogicalXorExpress> XOR, xor Yes 12
<LogicalOrExpress> ||, OR, or Yes 13
<CondExpress> ?: (ternary conditional) Yes 15


Pygments lexer

This parser utilizes Pygments for expression text tokenization and, as a result, it comes packaged with a lexer.

If you are using Pygments, you can use the lexer directly:

import edk2_expression.lex

lexer = edk2_expression.lex.Edk2ExpressionLexer()

DEFINED function

A function that returns True if the macro is defined, otherwise False.

The syntax is defined as follows in EBNF:

<MacroDefined> ::= "DEFINED(" <CName> ")"
<CName>        ::= (a-zA-Z_) [(a-zA-Z0-9_)]*

This function is not defined in EDK II specification therefore it is disabled by default. To enable it, uncomment the lines for <MacroDefined> in lexer:

diff --git a/edk2_expression/lex.py b/edk2_expression/lex.py
index ac66120..e87340b 100644
--- a/edk2_expression/lex.py
+++ b/edk2_expression/lex.py
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ class Edk2ExpressionLexer(RegexLexer):
                 bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Name.Variable, Keyword.Declaration),
-            # (  # <MacroDefined>
-            #     rf"\b(DEFINED)(\()({CName})(\))",
-            #     bygroups(Keyword.Type, Punctuation, Name.Variable, Punctuation),
-            # ),
+            (  # <MacroDefined>
+                rf"\b(DEFINED)(\()({CName})(\))",
+                bygroups(Keyword.Type, Punctuation, Name.Variable, Punctuation),
+            ),
             (rf"\b{CName}\b", Name.Variable),  # <CName>
         "array": [


See Changelog.md.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


  1. This library currently reads the array as a string, and does not support any operations or evaluation.

  2. Per addressed by EDK II:

    Functions should only be used if all tools that process the entry in the meta-data file comprehend the function syntax.

    Since this library is designed for general purpose, it does not parse functions.

  3. GUID in <CformatGuid> format is currently not parsed.

  4. The lower the number, the higher the precedence.